I would like to mess with acrylic on canvas but don’t have money
Acrylic paint can be found pretty cheap in some stores.
All you really need is black, white, blue, yellow and red, that way you can mix the rest of the colours yourself.
@anon48059102 I’m real man. You have a talent, you’re drawing are very expresive especially the ones with people, they always have a expression which is a sign of a good artist.
Please consider putting you’re art out there
Nova… Those pictures are amazing. You are extremely talented. Please, always continue to make art. The world needs your help.
The stuff is all old from high school except for The knitted hat which is my work of art for today. Making hats for the homeless.
Wow that is exxxxtremely difficult to draw. What a perspective peice. And you did that in higschool? They say schizophrenics are more able to tell which way a person is looking (the mask experiment), maybe this is a reflection of you knowing you were ill. A great piece!
Thank you
Thanks kevon 5788543
What a beautiful art Love is
It aint visual art, buts its alls i can do
The Ballad of Benny Stone
He wondered why he’d had so many daddies
And why they all had to be so mean
His mother said she was sorry such things happened
But their cupboard was bare
The clothes they wore weren’t clean
They needed money, they needed a provider
And his mother had many awful ghost inside her
The neighbors looked down upon their plight
They said the many fathered son was a fright
When one daddy left, another was right behind
While the many father son slowly lost his mind
His mother told him he was special, he was great
But for true tenderness he’d have to wait
She gave him what love she could
But when men treated her like dirt
She felt like wood
When one man came who she thought would stay
Her wild eyed boy went astray
All the men who had treated her so badly
And while she was so young, loved her so madly
Would not leave the young man’s mind
So he took a shotgun and went to find
Another young woman who would enjoy the fun
While they traveled cross country, with his gun
When her wild young boy was caught
She pleaded for his life
She found the words of a good mother and wife
While her wild young boy sat with his eyes gleaming
Down her cheeks the tears were streaming
“You see, this boy, he had so many daddies”
That while she was so young, loved her so madly