Post a piece of art you have made!

Doesn’t have to be traditional art. Just any art. It could be a table you made or even a food.
Just something you made that you are proud of :slight_smile: . Once I find my thing, I will post it D: .

Update:here’s a wallet I made for a person.

That image is too small


@Sharp-ii, you are just the coolest. That’s gorgeous.

I am not much of an artist myself, but @animalchin crowdsourced a drawing here a few months ago. It was great. I keep hoping he (or someone else) will do it again.


Thanks Rhubii :grin: . I’m sure you are an artist in someway. Everyone is! :smiley: Sports etc are art. Music is art. Anything is art if it is down with care and craft :smiley:


This photo of a mew is a work of art~

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Waaahhhhh! I was sleeping and you woke me! Get that camera out of my face. I have bed head morning fur :smile_cat:


More like evening lol. My kitty sleeps in my bed more than I do!

I used to have a lot of art but it was lost when my computer broke. My Dad has tons of stuff though.

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I love the leather stamping. I did that once in school. Very cool!

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@Apathy Did you do digital art? I’ve always wanted to try that!
@prnoidschiz it really is enjoyable! I find it nice for getting out anger. I basically get to hit stuff with a mallet!

Yeah I took a course in Photoshop, but the hell if I remember any of it.

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Yellow Rose Found on the Sidewalk

After Passing


That is cool what did it say?

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How about your garden paved with old acorns? Are you going to leave it like that? I like it. Sometimes art is accidental + you just have to notice.


I don’t know - Didn’t read it. I would have had to open the rose up I guess…


That’s beautiful, @pob! You have a poetic eye as well as a poetic voice.


That’s too bad…

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I know what you mean. I had a philosophical moment with ants crawling all over a chicken nugget…yes it is sort of funny looking back. They were communicating…

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