Doesn’t have to be traditional art. Just any art. It could be a table you made or even a food.
Just something you made that you are proud of . Once I find my thing, I will post it D: .
@Sharp-ii, you are just the coolest. That’s gorgeous.
I am not much of an artist myself, but @animalchin crowdsourced a drawing here a few months ago. It was great. I keep hoping he (or someone else) will do it again.
Thanks Rhubii . I’m sure you are an artist in someway. Everyone is! Sports etc are art. Music is art. Anything is art if it is down with care and craft
@Apathy Did you do digital art? I’ve always wanted to try that! @prnoidschiz it really is enjoyable! I find it nice for getting out anger. I basically get to hit stuff with a mallet!
I know what you mean. I had a philosophical moment with ants crawling all over a chicken nugget…yes it is sort of funny looking back. They were communicating…