Anyone else get primarily positive or nuetral voices? Makes me wonder if its not voices after all but spirits.
I have positive voices. Years ago my main voice was both positive and negative. Now he’s just negative. He saw no gain in being positive. He had been trying to kill me all along; he came out of the closet. There’s more to say but I can’t think of it right now.
I dont have a lasting voice, its all random voices. I feel like im tapping into the soirit workd or something. Earlier i made something and a woman said “wow!”
I think you already know what I’m going to say, but I’m going to say it anyway.
YOur voices arent spirits @Moon . It’s your own brain.
Moving to unusual beliefs.
How do you know tho? I mean without getting too far into religion, i believe in spirits and that they can communicate with people. Why not me?
You’re right. We cant get into religion. So we will just assume that spirits are real for the sake of this argument.
You are diagnosed with a psychotic disorder that one of the symptoms is hearing voices. What’s more likely then? That you are one of the few among the billions of people on the earth capable of “tapping into the spirit world”? or that you are having hallucinations related to your disorder?
My voices just make comments about what is going on. I don’t know if what they say are positive, but definitely not negative or nasty.
I would add it’s been two years I think now that I haven’t heard a voice. I did when I switched to Abilify and was put on only 5mg of it. I’m taking 20mg now.
How my voices behave depends on my moods. When I am depressed they are my tortures and whem I am hypomaniac they are my best friends.
My voices used to be just evil. Now they have become more human and act like regular people.
Since my pdoc upped my dose of nightly Risperdal to 2 mg., I don’t seem to hear voices anymore. But, a few weeks ago I was hearing them sometimes in the cooling systems. And they could get pretty loud. They were neutral, chattering, incomprehensible voices that didn’t bother me at all. I knew they were symptoms of my sza and that they weren’t real.
My voices were mostly “positive” and accommodating as well. Hell, some of my most pleasant memories come from interacting with these “voices”. It doesn’t make them anymore real than a dream. Just because you like something doesn’t make it more tangible.
The short answer is that there is precedent. People claim to hear voices, that they speak to spirits or angels or demons. When observed for enough time it becomes obvious that the voices mean nothing and it’s just an overheated imagination. You have a slim opportunity to learn from the years and decades of experience other people have on mental illness who frequent this forum.
Just the way you describe your experiences makes me immediately conclude that your voices are just that, voices inside your head, and not a third party of any kind. How do I know? I know the process intimately from the inside out. Because I went through the exact same thing that you do.
I have been heavy into meditation and mantras…and reading up on phlosophy…H.H. Sri Swami Krishnananda a great monk has written this:
Nobody is there; no person speaks. It is only a kind of hallucination.
here hallucination is to be interpreted in terms of voices and the like, not “hallucinations” per se
I got a degree in philosophy and all i remember of my undergrad is that philosophy drove me absolutely insane.
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