Poll: What did your doctor say you have?

I know a similar question has been asked before.

I just thought it would be fun to ask the question a little differently and in a poll. I also understand that for many, labels aren’t important. For whatever the reason, they are for me. I guess it helps me understand the disorder better.

I think SZAdmin pointed out, rightfully so, that they have done away with the different classifications. I wasn’t aware of that before reading his post. When I was finally diagnosed several months back, my psychiatrist told me I had Paranoid Schizophrenia, but I bet if I were to see the diagnosis code, it would be simply for SZ. I went ahead and put all the classification in there as well. If I missed something, feel free to write it in.

And remember, if you haven’t been officially diagnosed with something, that’s okay. I’m not trying to make anyone feel bad. I was misdiagnosed for 20 years.

Thanks for participating!

  • Paranoid Schizophrenia
  • Disorganized Schizophrenia
  • Catatonic Schizophrenia
  • Residual Schizophrenia
  • Schizoaffective Disorder
  • My doctor told me I simply had SZ.
  • I haven’t been officially diagnosed yet.
  • I prefer not to label the disorder.
0 voters
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some of the forms ive had to sign say schizophrenia but i think my records say ‘psychotic disorder’

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You forgot undifferentiated sz, which is the dx they gave me.

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Oops! Sorry about that. The only one I’m actually familiar with is Paranoid, as that’s what I have. I just looked up the others and Undifferentiated SZ wasn’t in the list. Hopefully people will write that in. Thanks for the correction.

It’s OK, I will vote simply sz since that is what it is. :smile:


Yeah, in the end, we are all in the same boat.

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bipolar 2 :ram:

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it’s always schizoaffective disorder…no one changes that.

My current pdoc scared the crap out of me last week though! He calls me and is like "Yes…well…I got the results for your hepatitis test here…long pause…so I’m like freaking out…and then he says “and you do not have that”

wtf? Just come right out and say it.


You’d think a doctor would know better than to do that.

When I was 17… I had been in hospital for a bit… and the doc wrote on my label…

Undifferentiated Sz…

Now that I’m 30… my brain has changed as I’ve grown… a few years of being med compliant and somewhat stable… My doc changed my label…

Schizophrenia with a mood element.


My pdoc says he doesn’t like to diagnose people because peoples symptoms change over time often and because of stigma


He said it “leaned toward” paranoid sz, but I stopped seeing him before he could decide because I felt threatened and misunderstood and was afraid he was going to have me hospitalized, cause he said he might have to, so just sz. :slight_smile:

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I think I’m still schizoaffective bipolar type with PTSD. But its changed so often I don’t know.

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Originally Disorganized SZ. Might be trending towards Paranoid SZ now as I’ve not had catatonia problems much for the past decade and my organization is improving, but still not where it needs to be (hygiene). Also got tagged with autisum/Aspergers when describing hallucinations and revealing I could ‘see’ music and other sounds (Synthesia). Figured it was a hallucination because no one else could. Turns out it is separate from other hallucinations as it is not affected by my meds. That and other symptoms gifted me with a high-functioning autism label in addition to the SZ. Sort of an evil symptom combo plate, I guess.



Delusional disorder. Sux. It’s just psychosis and retardation with some stockholm syndrome


“Dont hurt anybody”

An overdue bill I can’t pay for $735.66.

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