Poll: parents

Do you get along with your parents?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Sometimes
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My dad is a very negative person. He always believes the end is near.

My mom is a workaholic who’s very tough.

Still I love both of them and appreciate them in my life.


That’s Nice that he lets you live with him.

Would you else be homeless?

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I guess I would have to live with my mother or be homeless. I’m waiting on receiving section 8 so I can get my own place. It’s just difficult to live with him.
Him not wanting me to be here, but my not being able to leave, creates tension.


I understand. I would probably lock myself in my bedroom and only go out to eat something in the kitchen.

It’s stressful to live in a house where the tension is palpable.

It’s nice that you could get section 8. I didn’t put me on the waitlist for social housing as the waitlist is +10 years.


Yeah I was told to expect something like 2 years but it could be longer. We will see.


Years ago it would have been no

But since I am an adult things have gone much better


I don’t talk to my Dad and I can’t forsee a future where I will want to. I have very few good memories of him.

I see my mum every week and she takes care of me.


My mum and dad are far from perfect just like me.

But, I love my family because I think it’s a good idea to.

My mum is hard to love because of some traumatic psychosis with her in it and because we clash a bit in a scary way. Anyway I still love her.

She has a difficult life it looks tough. I want to help her when I am more emotionally available


Most of the time yes.

I’d say our relationship is better now that I’m moved out.


I used to have friends that blamed all their issues on their parents
Even though they probably did the best they can for them
People need to take responsibility for themselves after becoming an adult


i was distant from my father when he died, but I am very close to my mom.

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You sound brainwashed imo
Life isn’t that simple

Ye man… relationships are complicated…just like any other relationship parent -chikd relationship can be dysfunctional…and it’s reasonable to assume sometimes the parent might have some responsibility for the bad relationship

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My mom is a bit obsessed with cleanliness and sometimes i didn’t do a “good enough job” then we would bicker a bit my dad usually we get along other than the cleanliness of the house but he’s very chill tho nothing really serious tho

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Thats only easy to say if you have no experience of a hateful and hurtful parent.

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My dad and I have differing political views- like polar opposites. I’ve asked him not to discuss anything political, but he never listens, and then I argue with him. He’s the only person I argue with. I don’t like confrontation, but his views are difficult for me. He’s also a “doom is on the way” type.


I get along with them. The problem is they divorced when I was very young and my mother hates my dad with a passion. I can’t say he really likes her either.

Anyway it makes things difficult for me at times.


My parents used to fight so much it was horrible. I think that can mess with your head when you grow up with parents treating each other like that anyway I’m still OK.


parent yes. dont know the other one

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