Poll - my favorite dessert is

describe your favorite sweet treat

  • hot fudge sundae
  • pie
  • cookies
  • cake
  • eclaire
  • ice cream
  • cheesecake
  • sherbert
  • pudding
  • chocolate
  • candy

0 voters

Cake! :blush: omg I want coconut cake now. :stuck_out_tongue:


I’m hot fudge sundae all the way


Cheesecake :heart_eyes: loving these polls @Leaf

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You forgot fruit.


have you ever made a toasted coconut cake?

Toasted almond (bought sliced) on chocolate cake is good too.

There is nothing hard to do about toasting.(coconut/almond +baking sheet+ 350degrees)

check on it after about 3 to 5 minutes. might need couple of more minutes depending on your oven.

So worth it.


Sticky toffee pudding and ice cream :yum:

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Mojave Chocolate. Or Sahara Vanilla.
Sorry folks, it’s 8:30 am and I’m still getting warmed up.
Later, my opinions on free trade.


Nope but you’ve got me interested in the prospect!
If I ever do make one, this place will know about it!

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I guess I forgot an s

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Yeah, don’t worry, a lot of people forget about me.

Pavlova! Mmmm i guess I’ll call it a cake and vote for that. Close enough?

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I said pie, even though I would eat most of those things at any given time. I love sugar in general.
But my husband introduced me to fruit pie warmed and with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top. It’s amazing. I’ve had it for dessert a few times now and it’s my favorite dessert.

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IDK, I can’t pick just one. I love different kinds of cakes esp. cupcakes, but I also love peanut butter cup treats too and candy

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I really want a warm brownie with ice cream on top right now, but I chose a hot fudge sundae. Really, there are many of these I could go for.

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I love rice and tapioca pudding



And rice pudding is easy to make. I used to make it for myself all the time. And it works with either brown or white rice.

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American fluffy pancakes :heart_eyes:


I love what my senior living community serves called strawberry cheesecake parfait. Yummy!!!