- Yes
- No
My first language is Dutch.
Speak 4 languages though,
My first language is Kannada.
English is my second language. I tried hard to learn it but I’m loosing the battle due to ageing. My first language is Chinese.
Your English seems fine.
To me you have won that battle.
Which languages do you speak?
Thanks for your encouragement. You are so kind.
Dutch, French, English and Spanish.
Ok, cool!
I speak Finnish, Swedish, English and a tiny bit Arabic.
inshallah Seems to be the most popular Arabic word I hear around here.
I would love to be able to speak Mandarin or Japanese. But I don’t have the discipline to learn any language. I’m just too lazy.
Also I’m getting too old. It’s harder to learn new languages as we age.
I know people who have studied sinology at university and don’t speak fluently Mandarin. And that is after 4 years of full-time study!
Took me even a couple of years to have a good level of Spanish.
Dutch, French and English are thought in school in Belgium.
We could choose either French, German, Spanish in school. I chose German but I at that time I started skipping school.
These days you can also choose Mandarin in some parts of Sweden.
Here you start in elementary school with French and in secondary school English. It’s compulsory.
If you study languages you also get Spanish and German, but I studied Mathematics in High School.
I do can say some sentences in German and understand it somewhat, but I can’t engage in a conversation so I don’t count that one.
English is the only language that I can speak and write fluently. I took 4 years of spanish though.
Unless you count the language of love…
Wow, you must be very intelligent and disciplined. I sucked at math. I hated school because my peers treated me like sh-it and I was a sleep apnea sufferer. I was always terribly tired in school. Couldn’t focus at all.
Pre-sz I was good in Math, Statististics etc. I studied Math in High School and did Economics at Uni.
Now I’m not interested in those fields anymore, but am happy they took me in a short career that payed for a trip around the world
Now I’m interested in the body mind with a bit of Spanish in the mix.
I’m always surprised when I met Americans who sometimes had several years of study of a language in school but can’t hold a conversation in that language.
I think language teaching is up for improvement in a lot of US schools.
That being said the Mormon missionaries who are often from Utah are fluent!
We have a lot of economists in Sweden. It’s a very popular education because the pay is good.
I loved biology. But there are no jobs after you get your degree. Otherwise I would read biology at University.
I find medicine being interesting too. But those are for straight A students and as I said I suck at math.
It’s cool that you changed your path in life. Having a more holistic approach.
I actually noticed I mistyped. I had 2 years of spanish, I believe. One of my sisters had 4 though I believe and still couldnt speak fluently.