[poll] how u guys spend ur day


-sitting idle in home
-try to be social
-sleeping all day
-roaming around alone
-hiding urself from rest of the world…
-working full time
-working parttime


all of the above, except working, even though I’d like to

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As SYD BARRETT Would Say .

Mostly I Jus Wayste My T(Y)me … . ,

But I AM Working On My Second Album ,

I Have Some Pretty Cool ideas For It ,

So I Suppose I’ll jus Say ,

Wasting My T(Y)me As I Write and Record My Second Album .


I spend time at work,I do very little,but when I feel well I am more active and hardworking…

Nowadays I am trying to be more active outside work,in the hope that it improve the quality of my work life

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I writhe usually.

I writhe all night long.

I worry and writhe.

There is some moaning in there to somewhere. And i freak out.

And then there are the extremely detailed faces made out of the matter of this place. Everytime im just like “uh oh, intelligent design is true, evil, but intelligent.”

I have alot going on.

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I have a job. I spend a lot of my time at work. It’s low stress and I’m mostly alone.

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drinking a lot at the time… and listening to music, reading, being anti-social for a bit. I need it. I’ve been trying to more social than I really am, and it takes energy, when the whole ■■■■■■■ universe is on your back all day every day

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Right now I’m a summer student, so part time.

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what do ya do? 15 15

I’m one of many gardener/ grounds keepers for the parks department.

I’m out in the parks mending trail, watering, weeding, pruning, cleaning… anything that needs to be done to keep the parks nice.

I’m in school part time so I can get some knowledge of horticulture because I really want to transfer to the nurseries.

nice! must be nice here in the summertime (:

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I drink coffee go for smokes I walk. I volunteer. Spend time with family. I’m taking an online summer course and I write. I was very functional for a while but kind of slipping into depression now.

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I work full time at a low stress job. I come home and eat and than sleep