POLL: how many of you have autism too?

I’m planning on getting tested for autism and ADHD.

I was reading that there are several people who have both autism and schizophrenia, so I thought I’d take a poll.

Do you have autism?

  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

No idea. Not diagnosed. No plans to get tested.


Thanks for answering @Bowens.


Ive been diagnosed with autism by a psychiatrist
I havent been diagnosed with schizophrenia or another psychotic disorder yet, i have had psychotic symptoms recently over the past few months, diagnosis still pending. I did have schizotypal personality disorder in a provisional diagnosis in the past

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Thanks for answering @unicornrose.

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I like the notion that sz is in autistic spectrum and vice versa, but i dont have influence over these things


Yeah there are some researchers who think that autism spectrum and schizophrenia spectrum are part of the same continuous spectrum (people can have both and have some sub-traits cancel out)

This has some jargon but i wrote a version with more common words from my interpretation here:

This is from the original:


On the other hand, Crespi and Badcock’s theory places SSD, especially those with positive symptoms (e.g., paranoia, unusual perceptual experience and magical ideation) and ASD at opposite ends of a single spectrum (Crespi and Badcock, 2008).

According to this perspective, social cognition and mentalization are underdeveloped in ASD (reduced empathy and mental-state modelling), but hyper-developed to dysfunction in SSD (over-attribution of intentions and paranoia) (Crespi and Badcock, 2008).

Further evidence for this diametrical model includes divergent patterns of brain development […] and opposite effects of the same genes implicated in both disorders (Crespi et al., 2009).

Moreover, children with comorbid ASD and SSD have been found to outperform both ASD and SSD groups in attentional set-shifting and social-pragmatic abilities, indicating attenuated impairment and compensatory effect (Abu-Akel et al., 2018).


I feel like I’m on the spectrum…but idk


Drs said I don’t have it


I’ve had so many doctors say i have autism and just as many say i dont


I think practically many in the profession don’t care. It’s more convenient to treat sz like its not a thing, and sweep it up with meds and strict compliance systems.

The other extreme is that sz is a dimension of psychology that is fundamentally a part of human cognition and behavior, in certain dimensions of thought and action. Those tending to being alone and acting irrational, which all can be done normatively and within social codes.


Thanks for answering @anon31960475 @broken @Aziz @AwesomeFisherman.


I’ve thought about getting tested for it, only because I feel like I fake a lot of social interactions and because I’ve been asked a few times if I’m autistic… also because of some memories from when I was little…

But idk. If I do have it, it’s very minor I think…


I’ve been assessed and diagnosed with autism, and my last therapist that I saw for years agreed with it. I am also diagnosed with sza, ocd, and ptsd.


I feel like I’m probably on the spectrum someplace, but it’d be like moving mountains to get tested— and at the end of the day, what good would another label do me?

I just don’t let people get too close out of fear that they might see a different side of me.


Thanks for answering @anon61987434 @Moon @Schztuna.


I think that Autism is an obsession with many of our forum members.

SZ/SZA is very similar to Autism in many respects

They share some overlapping symptoms.


I voted no. But I don’t know. I can’t get myself diagnosed as long as my dad doesn’t seek help and gets a diagnosis of his own. Because he would use it against me.

I’m really not sure though. My guess is I have traits, because it’s in the family, but not the full disorder.

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1st serious mental illness diagnosis was schizophrenia in 1975. Curiosity as to why I had a spiky cognitive profile led me to do a google search c2000. There were quite a few pages about non-verbal learning disorder. There was quite a lot of mentions about autism within those pages.The ways in which the two were similar but not the same. I tended to see the former applying to me more than the latter, but both were possible fits.

I then had 17 fruitless years with my previous mental health team , inc psychiatrists, trying to get them to realise there was more going on than just severe mental illness. As well as being fruitless it led to increased bad feeling between myself and the mental health team. That already being bad because I failed to fit the expected cognitive profile of good at a,also good at b/bad at a,also bad at b. I was seen as being of bad character, with lots of very negative comments in my psych notes.

Sept 2017 I moved to Wiltshire to be near my daughter. First appointment with pdoc was in October 2018. My daughter, who was with me,mentioned autism. The pdoc didn’t brush aside the question but spent about half an hour or more asking me questions, and getting me to do things with my hands. After doing those things he said I was quite dyspraxic.

At the end he said that the 2 best diagnostic fits were ASD/autism and autism. About 2 weeks later I got a referral letter to start being assessed in February 2019. I was given the Asperger’s diagnosis in May 2019. Social communication was assessed as being at classical autism level, and social interaction at Asperger’s level.

Thanks to my daughter debunking a good number of erroneous beliefs about me, before I moved here, there’s been a pleasant and polite relationship with the mental health team here in Wiltshire. No bad feelings in over 6 years. That tells me I was far less to blame for things in Essex than the mental health team there.


I think I do but I’ve never been tested