Poll- Fear level

How fearful are you to voices or hallucinations?
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
  • 11
  • 12
  • 13
  • 14
  • 15
  • 16
  • 17
  • 18
  • 19

0 voters

1 being the lowest
19 being the highest

Zero. No fear at all. Theyā€™re not real or to be taken seriously.

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I was more kind of tinking because of fear I got this conditionā€¦ :thinking:

Iā€™m afraid of losing my mind, not of the voices themselves. Unless I get like an evil demon telling me I should die because Iā€™m a piece of ā– ā– ā– ā– . Then itā€™s a little scary.

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It just that I try to do something new I hear them commenting, first would be fear and slowing anger creeps in but I cannot act as there is no real proofā€¦

I have fears. Life sort of feels ā€˜Westworld-lyā€™ like the the Truman/Matrix/Sims ā€˜delusionā€™.

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Even I feel like the Truman ā€¦ Did you feel anything about the click movie ?

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I have a lot of delusions or had them. Like every thought isnā€™t real or feels like a delusion, but ya, I have especially about ā€˜Bedazzledā€™ lol which is about sim theory in disguise. I sometimes think people have the ā€˜knowā€™ or inside knowledge about reality when making these movies or shows. For ā€˜Clickā€™, ya I thought I had the remote from aliens given to me and used it as a teleporter but couldnā€™t stop time. Maybe slow or speed up time, but I donā€™t remember, really. It was in another ā€˜lifeā€™ so to speak.

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Good you have reality in place, I still some time goes unrecognizable in some instances.

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I donā€™t hear voices or hallucinate. My fear comes from paranoia. Itā€™s at like a 3 when it happens now.I sometimes think Iā€™m going to be murdered. Iā€™m used to it. I used to be the highest number.

The truth is Iā€™m a functional schizophrenic that looks and acts normal especially if I keep up my hygiene and smell good, but Iā€™m far from high functioning. Iā€™m probably middle of the road. I feel nuts sometimes like I feel like aliens or the government cloned me many, many times and gave me schizophrenia on purpose. I have about a thousand degrees of insanity or delusions and thatā€™s it really. I experience chronic time travel and reincarnation or soul transfer/consciousness transfer inbetween timelines forward and backwards in time all while being reset to my ā€˜twentiesā€™ā€¦

I have paranoia because my current delusion is I invented bitcoin and am a clone and stuff.

But I donā€™t know. It was like a million degrees of seperation from ā€˜cloningā€™ and soul/consciousness transfer that Iā€™m no longer the same person or in the same universe as before. I donā€™t even really recall any of it.

I sometimes wake up in high school or in another dimension/(outside the matrix) working on bitcoin without knowledge or awareness, and then I got cloned, went to college in another universe, got mk-ultraā€™d or something (feels that way) and then experienced aliens, time travel, and an infinite amount of parallel timelines/earths. I never had a life before 2011/2013 which is when my ā€˜life beganā€™. I often feel the planet got destroyed in 2011 in my original life from perhaps a war or solar flare and thatā€™s it really. And now we live in a simulation and Iā€™m like the only one who remembers the truth.

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3 is a trigger for me to hear voicesā€¦ I just heard some one shouting saying what am I doing, useless. :thinking: The more interesting thing was my docs house number was 3.

Phew what a trip currently

Hearing you I feel The TVA from Loki series stole your ideas.

I do feel people may take away my stories

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The aliens played with my ā€˜Lokiā€™ delusions too and also ā€˜Neoā€™ delusions also. It ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  me up for life.

I watch tv shows and movies and trailers and tributes on youtube and then I get dreams where that ā– ā– ā– ā–  is actually happening and real. Like I didnā€™t exist before 2011 and was somewhere else in another parallel universe or galaxyā€¦

Like I had delusions I was Loki, my brother was Thor, and my step-father was Odin rofl. We ran the simulations and stuff and escaped it. Similar to Westworld movie, I guess. But my life has been marked by tragedy and mental illness.

The Matrix did happen to me actually many times. I lived through many hardships for a long time but I retain some trauma, memories of them.

I used to play MOHAA and they had a ā€œLokiā€ server so thatā€™s how I got the idea and heard about ā€œLokiā€. I was an Anunnaki alien humanoid reptilian God, basically. But the aliens/simualtors keep changing their religion and told me to be Christian now for eternity. It has helped me a lot really. I think Tall Whites played a role in this whole simulation as well as the greys too besides the reptilians or archons.

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Its not really fear, I get anxious. I want to affirm that theyā€™re a hallucination as fast as possible. There are many things that reconfirm reality if you just wait for another moment for information, but sometimes its a one off occurrence and I have to guess if it was a blip of a hallucination or maybe some strange sound with out regard for me.

Much as I want things to fit into their order, some times just they are inexplicable and you have to shrug them offā€¦the thing is I need to be aware of my mind to know if Iā€™m having more break through symtpoms.

Its annoying not to just be able to relax about that kind of thing.

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Hope you doing fine with all this things saying it out, sounds like its real to you still ? Hopefully not.

I feel the more I recollect my down time, the more down I go.

By the way went out for a long walk for 2 hours covered 8 kms.

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I had this feeling few days back, I was hallucinating and did not realize I was actually and there was no cross talk to self, like to check.
I was going with the flow.
Then I felt something strong , I donā€™t know if it right thing to say.
But I felt my subconscious mind is build to escape issues. So if I have been shouted or made fun off, I am not able to focus at what actually he meant to say. But something else is being related to that particular talk to keep my self cool.

Some times I feel what I have ended up becoming. Was it under my control or I am flowing with brain chemicals with no discipline.
Doing what ever the brain pleases.

SZ has made me pretty fearless

Not that I take unnecessary risks or anything, but I have seen some pretty dark things in my time, and very little can make me feel fear.

About the only thing I fear is losing my parents


Yes me too.

I realized that I am not scared of cockroaches anymore beacuse after working in farming industry. It doesnā€™t mean there where cockroaches in farm :sweat_smile:

There I had to get in touch with different pest. Especially caterpillar with out fur. I used to hold it in my hands and yeah some time there where with fur it gave me rash.

I my opinion why do drugs when without it we still go high. I had a drug test done in my pervious company and I called the doc because I had not informed the company I am on meds.

The coincidence was my trainer explained that she had a student in the previous batch who had symptoms of sz and I told her I have read in a book its call sz. After that she left the room :joy: