Poll favorite city

  • London
  • Paris
  • New York

0 voters


I live close to NYC and have been there a few times before.
So I chose New York

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For the jetsetters in the forum :smirk::smirk::smirk:

say you love crepes

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They are all great cities


I’ve never been to any of those. San Jose, Ca is OK though.

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Never been to New York. Ruing a missed opportunity right there…

Between the other 2, I choose Paris.

No! I’m sorry, I cannot vote, you forgot Berlin! :smiley: It’s my favourite. Next to Beijing.

I’m really proud I went to New York when I was 25 I loved it there
I also went Paris was nice there
Lived in London for seven years loved it
I love cities


I picked the only city in the US. The one time I went on vacation outside the US ended up being a negative experience. I’m not ever going to travel outside the US again.

New York is the most diverse city. It is a melting pot of cultures and people.

I chose Paris…would love to see it.

I visited New York City once and stayed several days and stayed several days. I’ve been in the airport transferring planes there several times though.

I would so love to visit London. :sweat_smile:And I see that makes only 2 out of 19 of us. :joy:

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Looks like there will be a massive party in nw York.

And 2 small get togethers in Europe.

:eyes::eyes::eyes:Just kidding ofcourse lol


I would love to visit Berlin one day. What was your favourite thing about the city?

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The rawness.
The ‘alternative’ bars and restaurants and culture.
All the history things.
The Jewish museum was…do not have the right word…I found it showed what happened in a symbolic way that really touched me deeply. I never forgot. Which is what a museum like that should do.
The contrast between east and west was shocking but interesting.

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Now I want to visit even more. Thanks for sharing with us.

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Welcome. Do visit. It was really the most interesting big city I ever visited. Competing with Beijing maybe.

Are you American? Or on our side of the ocean? Don’t even know where you are from (sorry).

Makes me think of an old Dutch song (Over the Wall): Klein Orkest - Over De Muur lyrics English translation

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Cool you’ve been there. I thought ppl couldn’t get into China because it is communist. I’m a little slow.

I’m on your side of the ocean too.

Thanks for sharing the song :notes:

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