I’m pre-planned with a funeral home for a cremation and embalming. I didn’t pay for a viewing or memorial service. The embalming is in case my sister wants to pay for a viewing. Maybe in the future I can pay for one. My ashes are to be scattered in the cemetery’s designated scattering area.
Cremation, I don’t want to take up land that could be for someone alive, but to each their own. I hope everyone ends up where they want after death. I don’t care what you believe in, I just hope for peace after this life.
Make me into some Soylant Green.
I want to be stuffed and placed in front of the DMV.
I’m not expected to live long. I want my body to be cremated and my ashes to be stored in my family’s cremation plot (we have one for our entire family that’s been built for us- my grandfather is there).
I don’t really care what they do with me.
My headstone is ready.
I will be buried next to my Mother and family.
It’s a beautiful spot.
God bless.
I’m an organ donor and want to be donated to science. Then my family will get my ashes when they’re done with me.
I want them to harvest qhatever they can after I die. Knowing i can help someone (possibly), makes me feel good.
I want to be drawn and quartered and my head put on a pike in front of the London tower and my four limbs put on display in the four corners of the empire as a warning to all rebels going against the king. I’ve always had a weird streak of martyrism in me as long as I can remember.
I want a sky burial like in Tibet where they saw off your flesh and feed it to the vultures.
If I had the money, I’d want to be buried. But I can’t afford it so I’ll get cremated. My husband wants to be cremated.
Chopped into manageable chunks, left out long enough to stink, and then mailed to people I didn’t like in life.
I would want to be buried, then cremated.
You must be a fan of Supernatural. Salt the bones then burn them!
I want to be burned to ashes and be spread around my pomegranate tree of my yard
Is that a legal way to be buried in the US?@labratmat
I want to be encased in amber so I can be cloned later tbh
Sorry, I don’t know much about the US. Aren’t the inventors american though?