Yes its hot like hell.i never seen this kind of weather
No i think its ok.its like before
İ used to never used ac but this year i really need to urge this because its really and really hot like hell.i ve never seen this kind of weather s like try to kill me.gosh
Yep. Climate change is real. It got up to 105°F in Salt Lake City, UT, USA… in June!! It’s normally in the 80’s in June. Lots of heat waves in North America. Flash floods in the east, I’ve heard.
Climate change in the extreme is something to worry about but i am not too worried about it right now. The earth was much warmer than it is today during the time of the dinosaurs and life thrived. There have also been ice ages when it was much colder and life made it through that as well.
As long as the change isn’t too fast and drastic life will evolve and adapt. That doesn’t give us license to pollute in the extreme though, and I do think we should recycle and take care of the environment, but I don’t think things are as dire as some climate alarmists make it out to be.
It has been extremely hot and no rain this summer. Awful! However last winter was well above seasonal other than 2 weeks. I can do with a winter like that but this summer is unbearable.
In the Bay area of USA it’s always in the seventies, so I don’t know, but the sky was on fire one day. Everything was orange and it was due to some wildfire because of the draughts we have here.