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- I don’t know
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I didn’t answer.
But I believe there is a higher power that put everything into place for us all to become who we are today.
I am completely fascinated by evolution . I studied it a lot in school too…
Yes. I also believe in gravity and that the earth is round.
Diseases evolve all the time. People don’t take their medicine all the way through and until it’s gone. Then some of the disease survives and learns how to combat the medicine so it’s completely different from there. Of course some people would call that adaption and say that we are the best at adapting because God made us special. But are we really so special? These things feed off us and make it through to make offspring that continue to feed on us and other things.
I remember when I was learning about the food chain as a little kid, the teacher put us at the top and asked, “what feeds on humans?” Nobody had a good answer. We said sharks but she says that sharks don’t hunt humans, which is true. There are hardly any shark attacks in a given year. Until I learned about how disease work, I didn’t think anything could destroy us. Now I know…now I know.
I believe in God our Creator, that He made everything from the beginning and set a process in motion. I don’t believe we were monkeys, or anything but humans, but more primitive in our societies and skills, just like infants are compared with adults. Animals with less intellectual ability to adapt, evolved more dramatically physically. Whatever actually has happened evolution-wise, I believe God created it and intended it from the beginning.
Don’t take anything I say personally but are you saying science is out there saying we evolved from monkeys? And that infants have less of an ability to adapt then adults? And animals are dumber then us so they became more physical to compensate?
And when and how did you come up with the idea that God, an all powerful being, planned evolution?
I’m more or less curious as to these things to which I’m asking questions about.
If you were interested by creationism, I recommand Fernand Crombette’ divine geography
I don’t explain things well @Apathy. It all makes sense in my head, so don’t be too eager for clarification. But I’ll try. I believe God created life on this planet from it’s beginning. I don’t believe that on Day One everything looked just as it did now. I don’t think humans looked just as they do now, but not early mammals (hence the monkey reference) not apes ( yes, I know the difference). I think it’s well accepted that other animal species do not have the advanced intellect of humans. Some animals, orangutans for instance, have amazing intellect, but none, not even dolphins, match humans. My thought is that humans had the ability to adapt their environment to their needs, while other animals themselves adapted physically to fit their environment. That makes sense to me. My last point is that not one of us knows for sure, not even the most knowledgeable scientist. It’s all a belief system and therefore debatable until every last bit is proven. So, my point is that I hold to God having created, and all after is set in motion but, to me, inconsequential. There’s no point debating with me. All I require out of this is God…
heck yea! The flu virus always evolves, like every year, hence the need for new flu shots…yes, I think we share a lot of genetics with chimpanzees. I believe in dinosaurs.
Science has been a source of salvation for me. Without it, I would fall into a state of delusions and become totally neurotic thinking that a higher power was making me schizophrenic.
I respect people’s religions, but science is fact based on whatever data we have collected thus far. Science does not equal the opposite of religion. It just is knowledge.
I always thought people who didn’t trust scientists are a little out of touch. They’ve spent years studying and researching their fields. Would you go to a doctor who believed sz was caused by God and demons? I wouldn’t go to a scientist who doesn’t believe in Darwin’s theory of evolution and who promoted the creationist belief that the Earth is still in its baby years because Bible.
So you think God created everything. How do you think he did that?
I always thought apes, monkeys, and other primates were and are mammals? Am I wrong in this idea?
What would you say if there were fossils outlining the transformation of other primates into humans?
You believe that humans have the ability to shape their environment to their needs while other animals shape themselves to their environment.
So you don’t believe that anyone, not even scientist have 100% sureability in things they talk about? Or is it just when it comes to the creation of the universe?
Omg, @Apathy, what is this? What are you trying to accomplish? You’ve dissected what I’ve written and expect answers on each point? No. Move on. I made my belief clear, and I thought I also made my stance clear that others can argue the details, and that all I need from it is God. (And, yes, both monkeys and apes are mammals, and they’re both primates, but they have differences that I thought you were pointing out) Take a deep breath and let my faith go. I did not post to present the answer for everyone, only for myself.
I’m dissecting? Didn’t know that. I thought I was just trying to make sure we understood each other and just trying to be friendly.
I believe in evolution but I believe we evolved from something not of this planet. Like the cell that started the evolution came from elsewhere
Saw this.post, felt I had to comment, evolution is the only feasible and scientifically sound explanation for thd diversity of life on this planet.I got a badge while I was away aswell, 3 badges ,im respected apparently. Anywho…
I believe in freedom of speech for everyone.
I’m not sure that evolution believes in me.
My own little theory is that the human species began to evolve from apes when two beta gorillas grunted at each other and took down the alpha because they wanted his women gorillas. After we discovered we could work together to kill each other, it became evolution on crack. Not only was it survival of the fittest in a sometimes hostile environment, but also survival of the fittest within the group. Just my thoughts though.
I think before we came from the monkey strain, we crawled out of the ocean. Are bodies are made mostly of salt and water. And we had tails.
As long as it’s free, I think I’ll believe in it.