i have been feeling pretty good of late, i have my routine going and things to do so things are doing good just now, i think a good routine and a bit of motivation can go a long way to beating this thing, what do you think?
I feel real good today, got a good nights sleep, woke real early, went to mass this am, now, am getting ready to say my morning prayers. It’s a good day.
yea,@daydreamer…i am following my daily routine and I think I had improved compare to years b4…I had more motivation,happier and speaks more…Keep up your good feeling!!
Sorry to hear this…a fresh batch of cupcakes awaits you when you’re ready, along with all the sprinkles you could imagine.
We’ll be waiting…in the meantime, an icecream drumstick,(vanilla icecream dipped in chocolate with nuts sitting on a rolled graham cone appears from the freezer) in case you need an icecream first.
I would say my level is stable.Whether it could be called good,bad,or ok is debatable. Chronic problems persist but nothing suggesting the need for crisis intervention or anything like that. I guess I could be doing better and I could be doing worse.
I’m fairly stable on my meds, bit of ups and downs of daily life, but sz is at dormant level, not really active. Maybe just a little lack of motivation, or occasional intrusive thoughts, but that’s all.