Polish up your pecs: women prefer strong men, say scientists

I love these generalizations “women like this, transexuals think this way” and so on. Not true at all, every woman is a complex individual with complex tastes.

Okay, so you surveyed 160 women living in the same culture, probably from the same city e.t.c.

That doesn’t say anything about any individual woman. Individual people have different brains, and minds. Some of us are predisposed to like one thing as a turn on, for others of us it’s totally meaningless.

Like feet for example, some people find feet extremely sexy, big feet, small feet, rounded. People are ashamed of how much attraction they have to feet.

Whereas, me, and like 95% of the population are totally indifferent to feet. Some of us even find them somewhat disgusting.

Some women find saggy manboobs attractive for sure. OR the total absence of pecs.

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Is it also a generalization to say straight men like boobs? I’m just saying that even though something is a generalization, sometimes it’s still almost generally true for everyone. And I can promise you, most women are not open about how much they like muscles. It’s probably about as general as liking boobs. People like muscles in different shapes and sizes, but almost every straight woman will like them. I can promise you that it’s not like liking feet.



I have the PERFECT video for this thread. Let me find it.

Are you aroused? :joy:


I’m not even going to click play… :scream_cat:


This guy didn’t even take steroids. He literally just injected oil into his body hahahaha

There are some pictures I found I don’t even want to post because they are of guys who look like women with no shirts lol

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oh wait here is another guy


I can’t believe people could find that sexy lol


I’m a straight man who doesn’t really like boobs btw, they don’t excite me a lot. Maybe I have bizarre sexual preferences compared to the average guy. I like boobs to be there because I like the idea of a woman, but I’m not crazy about them. I don’t like perky, saggy, neutral, no preference.

You can’t make these sorts of sweeping generalizations. In fact, what an individual likes can change from moment to moment. So a woman might like strong chests at one moment then she meets a guy with a small chest who doesn’t fit the description but still beats out all the other guys.

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I’m not, though. Neither is the article. I’m just saying these are some of the most generalizable things when it comes to sexual attraction. I’m not saying it applies to everyone. Just the vast majority.

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I just prefer tall men with dark hair and glasses :sunglasses:

I like that my husband is stronger than I am. I need someone to open the pickle jar. I also need someone who can keep me in check during a tickle fight, but still let me win. So that takes muscle, attention to detail and brains. Other than the muscles required for that and changing a flat tire I don’t give a ■■■■. I love him for his beautiful heart.


pregnant women are very vulnerable. a man once needed to tell another man i was not interested. as the fellar wouldn’t leave me alone. it was scary.

in my opinion you can be strong enough, or carry a big stick.

i think it is about survival. and now days a man knowledgeable about tech has a big stick.

They don’t. This is what happens when people get body dysmorphia and then get a hold of synthol.

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I was never able to develop my chest in my gym days.

Thank you, The Guardian, for supporting these important studies and thank you people for buying these journals.


That’s all the researchers who did the study out of the running too ! :nerd_face:


A lot of people say love is blind, but if that’s true why is so much money spent on lingerie?

And Popeye had big forearms (this was a question on the test to get into the navy).


I remember the movie G.I. Jane, those harsh trainings… and then I read your post again.

Something feels off :smile:

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Here’s another question which disturbs me, why don’t men wear lingerie?

Give your special lady something interesting to look at before you do the deed.


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