Lets talk about boobs

I think this subject applies to everyone.

Our culture is very about perfect boobs and chests.

When I was going through puberty,

I was embarrassed that my boobs were so much larger than the other girls.

In my 20s, I loved it.

Of course I did.

They were large and perfectly shaped.

Not so perfectly shaped after birthing a child and nursing/pumping for months and months.

So I got my boobs lifted and reduced.

I was pretty cool with that despite the scarring.

But now even those little boobies are starting to look different.

Theyā€™ve gotten a little larger and arenā€™t as ā€œnew boobā€ perky.

Iā€™m not thrilled.

Even less thrilled that they are referred to as ā€œfrankentitsā€ in my household.

How do you feel about your breasts or chest area?

Seems like an odd thing to worry about but I think itā€™s a very common insecurity.


I donā€™t like my chest. I want to keep losing weight and then do pushups to get a better looking chest.

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Are you male?

There is equal amount of pressure on men to have a perfect chest too.

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Yeah, Iā€™m a man. I think my chest was fine until I got sick in 2013 and gained a lot of weight and became obese even two years before I started meds and gained even more weight.


I like boobs :grinning: I think God had this in mind when he made meā€¦ he gave me a pair of my own lol a long with a stomach :joy:


Iā€™m male and i think one of my boobs is bigger than the other one. :laughing::laughing::laughing:


I used to HATE my boobs, like super insecure about themā€¦

Then I made one of the best decisions of my life: getting them pierced :sunglasses:

I donā€™t know what it did, but I magically became not so insecure about them. Like proud of them actually.

After being pregnant, they actually still donā€™t look too bad. But also I didnā€™t pump or nurse.


Iā€™ve got male boobs due to extra weight. Theyā€™re asymmetrical, the right one being larger due to stronger chest muscles on that side, maybe.

Iā€™m ok with my current torso. Itā€™s the part between ribs and hips, also called the waist I think, that could use some (a lot of) reshaping. Especially the belly, but also sides and lower back.

Frankentits soundsā€¦ I would not use such a derogatory word when referring to my significant other.

On the other hand, sooner or later our bodies lose the capacity to replace damaged cells, skin elasticity decreases and whatnot. Staying sane in a world that glorifies youth and physical appearance is definitely a challenge.


One is always bigger than the other.


Iā€™ve actually heard from other women that nipple piercings boosted their confidence.

Thatā€™s very interesting.

Iā€™m sure your boobs are awesome!


I had boobs in middle school when I was hitting the Twinkies a little too hard unfortunately Iā€™m not attractive to male boobs.

This might be TMI but one of my nuts hangs lower than the other one.

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Haha! Thanks, I appreciate that :joy:

But yeah, definitely boosted my confidence (the piercings)

Maybe the whole time I was insecure about my boobs- it was actually the nipples to blame.

I think itā€™s a way to make your boob more exotic and kind of kinky,

You know?

And itā€™s a secret to most people.

Like youā€™ve got this wicked knowledge that no one else at the grocery store knows.


Totally! @Charles_Foster

You didnā€™t ask, but Iā€™m gonna give a back story-

I got them pierced when I was 21. I canā€™t recommend them enough, but also, I would never get them pierced again lol.

The piercer pierced them and then when I sat up to look in the mirror, it dawned on me ā€œholy ā– ā– ā– ā– , there are bars going through my nipples right nowā€

I stood up to put my shirt back on, next minute I woke up crouching, holding onto the chair in the room uncontrollably shaking with the piercer guy holding onto me so I didnā€™t fall overā€¦

I literally fainted :upside_down_face:

Iā€™m assuming it was from shock or something.


Hey! This reminds me of the muscle insertion thing and (almost always) the male physique. Some things are just genetics and cannot be changed no matter how much effort you put in. Hereā€™s an example of two types of muscle insertions of the chest:


Abs symetry, biceps and calves are another troublesome parts for people that want to compete in bodybuilding.

Sounds cool!

Not the fainting part.

I would totally consider it for the confidence boost,

But my frankentits would not look better pierced.

It would probably just highlight the inconsistencies.


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I never had ā€˜perfectā€™ looking or large bust, shape is also not the best.

I had some very negative thoughts about it.

Butā€¦ As time goes I started donā€™t minding it. Theyā€™re mine boobies. I have tons of other not pretty qualities. I just prefer accepting it. Itā€™s an old fashioned way, but I gave myself a word to accept it the way it is.


I plan to work out one side of my body only and never touch the other. That way I have one super toned boob and one super flabby man boob. I like to have something to use as conversation pieces.


Piercing them for confidence is highly recommended.

Iā€™m sure your boobs are great and anyone lucky enough to enjoy them will have zero complaints,

But it might be cool.

I also know some women that got tattoos right under their breast so it canā€™t super be viewed well while standing without a bra,

But they know itā€™s there and it makes them feel special.

Not saying you have to change your boobs,

Just saying there are things you can do to make them feel more special to you.