Poem rhyming

 i stand in the room

surrounded by all
everyone laughs
and remarks how i’m tall

they comment on my shape
the curve of my nose
looking me down
from my head
to my toes

i try to move
and converse with them all
but with the cement blocks
i feel rather small

you see i’m not real
i can’t feel your touch
but inside i know
i’m yearning so much

to be someone grand
respected by you
lending a hand
not a tall statue

but then something happens
out of the blue
i feel a flowing warmth
all the way through

it’s a beautiful feeling
hard to describe
but then i’m sure
i too can survive

not only survive
but thrive and grow
it’s the inside that counts
i know, i know.

i love my poems but i often don’t follow what i say. i right them when i’m in a better mood.


Reminds me of one of my raps :thinking:

i hardly every read the poems posted in here. so if you are accusing me of copying which i have no idea if you are your wrong. :slight_smile:

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Haha nothing’s copied but you have some of the same scheme ideas as me lol. We create similarly im just saying

Obviously I like it!!

okay good. I’m glad you like it. i wouldn’t steal someone else’s work. :slight_smile:

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i wrote this over a year ago before i was even posting or going on this site.

it kind of bothers me that you said that. like i somehow got the idea from you. i don’t normally listen to rap songs. never actually. i’m not going to post my poems anymore. :slight_smile: i know you meant no harm. I’m too sensitive. :slight_smile:

The rhyme scheme for this is ABCB, correct me if I’m wrong. Same rhyme schemes are possible in poetry/rap. There’s nothing wrong with that. @anon18905566 @Jonnybegood

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