Please Read - Intro to Schizophrenia News Discussions

Please post and discuss news, and videos, etc. on the latest developments in schizophrenia research, treatments, and related issues.

This is the new News section of our forums. Whats really cool about this section is that you post links to youtube or vimeo videos here and they will become embedded in the discussion forum so you can watch the video right here in the forum, then make your comments below in a “reply”.

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Elyn Saks on her Schizophrenia:


Good book for families with schizophrenia:

Schizophrenic people can be successful and give a valuable input to life. Multiple personality disorder could be similar.

I do not know.

Anyway good luck to her. And thanks for her advice.

Close family and friends send good thoughts most of the time.

As a schizophrenic I personally think schizophrenics “download” others thoughts directly. We pick up “raw” thoughts from others.

Our brains are not shielded.

She is a goddess

I’m Elyn Saks and this is what it’s like to live with schizophrenia

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