Please help, I need advice

Hello everyone

I am 20 years old student (undiagnosed) . Last 2 years I have psychotic delsuion (this is only positive symptom, I have very good insight but cant get rid of them completly which causes horrible anxiety). Also, I am high functioning and I dont have negative symptoms. Nobody ever noticed anthying wrong with me (neither parents nor friends). I have an appointment (voluntarily) next month with doctor. I havent seen doctor earlier because I was afraid of medication and I tought that psychosis will go away on its own. What should I expect?

Sorry for my english

wht and how are your delusions like? how do u feel about them?

If you are high functioning and have great awareness, then I recommend Cognitive Behavioral Therapy above any other treatment.
I certainly wish you the best. Don’t be afraid. Taking charge is an important aspect and consider yourself lucky that you’re already doing so well.


Content of delusion is something like matrix and solipsism. I know they are product of illness but i cant raconalize them fully.

When i try to rationalize them i expericence huge anxiety (living nightmare 24/7) . They are very complex and bizzare (matrix). Irony is that I somehow manage to be productive and great student.

When you think a delusion is real

It takes someone to sit down with you
And tell you that it’s not

You should have an immediate change over this exchange

If not
You need meds

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thank you for the encouraging words

You’re welcome


I question reality all the time… Like neurosis but with psyhotic content. Two years ago I had panic attack that caused all this, and since that night I am tyring to resist those toughts (derealization makes it even harder). I never talked about my problems with anyone.

well it’s kind of a good thing not to rationalize it or with it

I’d go with a doctor, but probably try a more therapeutic pursuit because you seem to be highly functioning.

I wouldn’t get yourself worked up about it. You could just see it as one of the ways you have perceived/viewed the function of your experiences and the world around you. There is a lot of different ideas of the systems and functions of the world.

Interpretation of perspective

Try not to think too deep about things, BT would probably be the way to go

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I understand your point, but I am pretty sure that this is psychosis (I cant express myself properly because of language barriers) and CT would probaly have small impact on it.

After that attack, for two months I was feeling paranoid (something like thuman show), and than disturbing dystopian matrix delusion came. These toughts caused me weight loss, depression etc… Do you know is this acute?

. do u see thing that are not real?i have severe derealization

No, I dont have visual hallucinations.

Derealization is hell. How do you cope with it.

i cant cope it drives me crazy and disabled with everyday panic attacks for a year now. i forgot how to be normal im in an endless dream alive but not living

i just stick to the fact that i still dont hallucinate and delusional and paranoid and go on my days

It’s best left in a doctors hands.

Here’s is some simple tips to help with depersonalization/realization

In a grand scheme of it, it can just be very high anxiety
View reality as everything is normal
There is no logical fix within your mind
Do not think so deep
Accept you have this and continue on with life
Not everything and everyone is perfect
Excerise and health
EFT therapy
Do not think of this in a measurement of time or future or something to be fixed or not fixed
Figure out some of the pains of your life and be real about some of the things that hurt you or you have lack of
Just Some tips

I’d visit a doctor and tell him of it all, if it is psychosis the sooner you get help the better


Yes, see a psychiatrist.

Sorry for late reply

I’m taking care of my son

Are you afraid you’ll look crazy to others?

You do realize all of us on here have stuck
That crazy perception out there

I think a good friend would help

tha though of developing psychosis from high amxiety amd derealization in killing me and make me panic every second