Philip K Dick

“Don’t worry any further about it,” Dr. Glaub said. For after all, he thought, what’s a
little schizophrenia? That is, you know, what you’re suffering from. I’ll take the social
pressure from you, and you can continue in your chronic maladaptive state, at least for
another few months. Until the next overpowering social demand is made on your limited
capabilities. . . .
As Goodmember Purdy left the office, Dr. Glaub reflected that this certainly was a
practical form of psychotherapy which had evolved here on Mars. Instead of curing the
patient of his phobias, one became in the manner of a lawyer the actual advocate in the


Dick was brilliant.

Something he wrote was going on about how schizophrenia isn’t so much and illness, instead there is a schizoid personality type that eventually breaks down due to its inability to fit into society.

He detailed it quite well, but I don’t remember which book it was in. The anthology of his unpublished essays or something like that. I don’t remember the title.

“Reality is what doesn’t go away when you try to ignore it.”


Hey Soitgoes. I have a lot of lofty ideas when it come to my mental health, but I think that Dick describes it well in “Do Androids dream of electric sheep?” in relation to an early chapter MERCERISM, the act I believe of using an empathy device to holo-deck your way up a hill, whilst the ‘voices’ are hurling stones at you hitting you. Your aim is to reach Mr. Mercer, and I believe Empathy. Am I correct in this?

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I couldn’t get into that book. The differences from blade runner just made it confusing. Should have read it first, the movie would have been easier to digest.

But yeah I have clue what you are talking about lol

I’ve read “A Scanner Darkly” and “Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said”. Very enjoyable and interesting. They gave me the impression of 70’s drug freak counter culture which I think is pretty accurate reading his bio on Wikipedia.

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Yeah the dude was very much a container of some of the most fantastically ridiculous yet insightful stuff.

VALIS is the only book I could finish. Psychosis sucks.

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I liked the marsian time-slip myself. I’ve read about 15 of his novels. Empathic writer in relation to schizophrenia, the good ones for me are the afore mentioned, valis, his maxim opus and UBIK, "rust to dust, or Kipple!

Have you read “now wait for last year” GREAT IDEA!

I love the original Arnie “Total Recall” but I’ve never read the book. Just like Bladerunner as well. I’ve heard that Valis is his most philosophical book so I have to check that one out. It seems he had a lot of problems with his mental health.

He might have been an empath, but there is a certain shallowness to his characters in some regards.

Their thoughts are complex, so are their perspectives, even there interactions, but emotionally they are kind of dry.

Empathic or sociopathic? I don’t know.

No spoiler, 2 people at the same time, pkd and horselover fat, pkd in latin.

Oh right. That’s why he chose that name.

Kind of dramatizes and exaggerates the potentials of schizophrenia.

What was weirder though is the little girl was a jesus and they killed her.

Did tey kill her?

Remember this is a memory question.

Hmmmmm… good question. The wheelchair dude. Didn’t he kill her.

You’ll have to look that up, Ha! Ha!

It’s like a f****** bible the way it’s written in ways, but I buy every bit of it completely.

Ah… I might get around to that. I’d probably just read another book instead though.

I can’t remember the wheel chair guys name either. I know it was exposure to valis that caused him to be crippled…

What weird characters. Practical cultists. Dude that book was complicated as hell.

I think PKD was just showing off.

The pink light!

Aparently the pink laser that told him his sons illness just in time to save his life was a real thing. o_O