I’m curious as to what personality types post here. I guess what I’m most curious about is weather of not most of us have similar personality types.
I’ve posted a link (the link to test is at bottom of page you will be directed to) to a personality test based off of the Briggs-Meyers test. You can google your resulting personality type and find more info.
My personality type came out to be INFJ and I couldn’t agree more.
INTJ, sometimes I am en ENTJ, Im right on the line between extroversion and introversion. Some days I am extroverted but most days I am introverted. It really depends on the people…
But I get INTJ like 75% of the time, I like how Keirsey nicknamed INTJs “Masterminds”
I do usually pick one thing, get obsessed with it, and get pretty good at it. Thats basically what INTJ’s are known for, being really obsessed with a couple of things. They make great scientists. I am obsessed with powerlifting and psychology, and I am already very close to master rank in powerlifting (been on a team for like two weeks) and make straight A’s as a psych major.
I still think my personality is under construction. When I’m finished constructing it, I’ll take the test and see if I need to add a sauna or breakfast nook. I do know, without coffee… I’m introverted. With coffee, I’m extroverted.
Im in the same boat about caffeine, James. Monster energy drink or a pot of coffee and I want to be around people and talk, no caffeine and I am a zombie and lay on the couch.
It’s the meds dude. Antipsychotics are all classified as major tranquilizers and I personally think they mimic the negative symptoms of schizophrenia, the avolotion and depressed crap.
But they’re working on more meds, I think something like 23 new meds are in development. So maybe in a few years I wont be dependent on caffeine to drive or lift weights…but right now I am making a pot of coffee and bringing a monster energy drink with me to a pool party in an hour.
Granted, some questions I could have either answered both, or depending on mood or even time of year I may have answered differently.
Another sorta weird thing is my house is my workplace now and some areas are very clean and well organized, others are a cluttered jumbled mess…so how the hec would i answer that? I answered mess…
Ooo just noticed in Feeling and Perceiving I got 11 out of 17 in both …11:11 !!! yet again
I’m INTJ. I have taken the exam several times over the last 20 years. My description never changes. I like to think I’ve changed, not where it counts I guess.