Personal hygiene

My brother is 30 and refuses to use any form of soap/bodywash, deodorant or toothpaste (even organic/natural stuff) due to thinking it’s toxic for his body. He still showers but that doesn’t have any effect on his body odor. He has a foul smell and when anyone mentions the use of soap or the fact that he smells, he gets mad. Wondering if there’s any way to get him start using it. He is also taking the right medication every day. Worried for his general wellbeing.
Thanks in advance. :slight_smile:


I think she is a family member?

Yeah sorry I’m his sister… should also add that he’s a diagnosed schizophrenic.

I am sure they welcome you, but i think the site owner perfer family visit the family side. a person with the same hygine problems who comes here to vent or get advice maybe a bit sensitive to a post that is of the same nature.

I hope you understand?

a mod will likey post a link to family side soon for you


I think you’ll get better and more meaningful replies in the family forum here:

Good luck :sunny:


Thankyou! Will post there now! :slight_smile:


Will he wash with baking soda?


your a gremlin151515

Maybe rose water…?

Tell him to make his own deodorant and soap and the like. There are natural recipes out there that include only healthy ingredients. Or maybe help him make it.

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That’s a good idea

What about baby bath products?

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