People with differences

Is how a book I’m reading referred to people with Aspergers.

And the book is meant to be read by people with Aspergers.

I understand what the author means, but why do I have to be the one who is considered different? From my perspective, it’s the neurotypical person who is different than. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I prefer “neurodivergent” instead of “people with differences”. Autism isn’t a flaw.


My partner has aspergers. I dont see him as different than anyone else, I see everyone as different to be honest.

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Yes please use nuerodivergent and the majority of the autistic community do not like the term aspergers anymore and it’s not an official diagnosis they give anymore. It’s just all called autism.
I am autistic btw.

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One of the worst aspects of the autistic/neurodivergent community is the intolerance and fanaticism over language usage , by a small, but very vocal, part of the community.It’s like being expected to walk blindfolded through a path of eggshells , and have someone rebuke you harshly if you crack one.

Then there’s what occurs on Twitter, not sure about elsewhere, that brings to mind Monty Python’s ‘Four Yorkshiremen’ sketch. People trying to outdo each other on the severity scales . Ironically, based on what they say, many are doing a heck of a lot better than I am. That promoting yourself as a brilliant person, despite very severe symptoms, increasingly makes me feel alienated, uncomfortable & worthless as an autistic person…


NTs appear broken to me.

I prefer it and regularly tell people who lecture me about it to arse off. If others can choose their genders I can choose my label. So suck it.


I mean you’re free to use it. No need to get rude


Wasn’t directed at you. That’s my response to others who order me to stop using the word. I don’t roll and show belly like they’re hoping.


I mean people with autism come off as very different to most people. But I see what you mean. I wouldn’t like to be called “person with differences” for being gay.

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When I think about the term Aspergers I can see how it is problematic and it is troubling to me for sure.

But it was also kind of the bridge that took me to understanding that I am autistic and what autism is. For better or for worse, I had a very different idea about what autism was before I was diagnosed. I did not see myself in that picture.

Now that I am more aware and have better knowledge and insight I can see that it is a broad spectrum and that the terms high and low functioning can be understood as a ranking based on perceived social value, which is like I said problematic and troubling.

But I find myself using it nonetheless because after years of masking and basically using smoke and mirrors to convince the world that I am NT, it is helpful in getting people to see that yes, I am autistic, because their knowledge is also limited. I guess it’s pretty lazy on my part, unless I want to sit down and have a real conversation with others about it - which I absolutely am open to doing (and have done) but not everyone wants to have that conversation.

I do feel like it can be that bridge, but I hope it is temporary and the elimination from the DSM will bring about greater understanding about the spectrum as a whole and autism in its many forms.

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we should embrace our differences.we should be proud of who we are no matter what.we should only care about the people that love us.they are the ones that help us and regonize our differences

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Social communication +social interaction= both classical autism level= classical autism
One of those is at Asperger’s level= Asperger’s(for me it was social interaction)
Both Asperger’s level= Asperger’s

That was how it was when I was dxed in May 2019. There can be a noticeable difference between the 1st and 2nd, and the 2nd and 3rd.

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If you’re employed and you’re disclosing, it works like this:

Aspergers: “Oh, he’s like Bill Gates. Cool!”
Autism: “Oh crap, it’s Rain Man.” (Sound of resume being binned.)

The stigma is unfortunate, but real. Imma stick with the label that hurts me less. Already tough enough to disclose SZ (“Rambling axe murderer!”) without the extra icing on the stigma cake.

My 2 cents.

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What makes people with aspergers so different.

Aren’t there many people who struggle with confidence and anxiety.

Sorry if I sound ignorant, not trying to be rude

I just don’t understand and am curious

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Social and communication differences


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