I always get diagnosed with SZ or BP whether Pdoc genuinely believes it or use it just to be able to give me meds. I’m on Risperdal and Sertraline.
Is there anyone with Asperger’s around?
I always get diagnosed with SZ or BP whether Pdoc genuinely believes it or use it just to be able to give me meds. I’m on Risperdal and Sertraline.
Is there anyone with Asperger’s around?
Do you have it? I do. I hate it when unqualified people or ignorant people say I don’t or undermine my struggles and diagnosis of Aspergers by psychiatrists. I passed the autism test but probably wouldn’t qualify for ASD in the new DSM-5. My symptoms are mild and over the years learned how to hide it.
I have an autistic brain and think like an autistic.
It made sense after I was diagnosed. I felt different my entire life and it felt good to be diagnosed as an aspie. It gave me answers.
I was dx’d when I was 3.
I was diagnosed at 22 I think at the psych ward before schizophrenia. I blended in with society until that point. Yours must be more severe than mine. I was super high functioning before I got sick. I sometimes fantasize about how my life would be different without psychosis.
I’m an Aspie. This new “on the spectrum” crap irritates me.
I don’t like it either. I doubt I would still be considered with this new DSM-V.
I’m given to understand it’s more virtue-signalling than medicine, anyhow.
To be honest I was never disabled because of aspergers. I saw it as a benefit, a higher form of evolution lol. I struggled with empathy growing up and emotions. I had anger growing up. Depression too. I played to many video games and was a loner. This was hard on me. But school was easy despite poor grades. I barely showed up, never studied, and hated it. I never took it seriously and didn’t care.
When I graduated, I went to community college. spent hundreds of hours volunteering and helping my community. I won awards. I got a 3.9 over 3 years and transferred to a prestigious university that is top 20 in the world.
At university, struggled with communication, dating, stress, anxiety, OCD, and depression.
When I worked, I excelled. My perfectionism and punctuality got me jobs, despite the great recession. I worked really hard. I had a lot of potential that was ruined and destroyed because of poor choices in life due to not fitting in. My psychosis ruined it all.
I suck at math and anything related to any concept for arbitrary complex of relationships.
On my final internship they thought I had autism. But that was more because I was completely demoralized by the psychosis that I had had six months ago.
I was quiet and didn’t talk. Also tried not to contact. It was super awkward hahaha.
At the hospital I had problems recognizing faces and was highly philosophical and questioned reality. I guess those are indicators of aspergers. I thought the face thing was from substances. In the beginning, my aspergers was worse for years because of a bad reaction to substances. I’m doing a lot better.
I was diagnosed as an aspie first then schizoid among other things. I got akathisia from risperdal and nearly went bonkers. I refuse to take it any more.
I think my daughter has Aspies. You ask her questions and she gives these one word answers. Never elaborates. I sent her a Wikipedia link about El Inca (a 1500 Incan ruler) and she texted me back “I know”. (I think my daughter is part Inca. Her dad is from Ecuador )
Someone asked me why I prefer giving one word responses and I replied ‘sentences are inefficent’ Why use 10 words when one will do?
I am reasonably sociable but have a lot of aspie traits likes avoiding eye contact, dexterity/coordination problems and preoccupation with computers. I attend an Aspie support group and have a lot of fun there. I don’t know if I will ever pay to be formally diagnosed since I am already on disability. I am probably going to switch psych providers to an agency that provides service to autistic people. They also offer employment services which my current provider does not.
@shutterbug @anon27694199 Why does it irritate you both ?
One of the workers at a psych ward with an autistic son thought I was autistic.
We like calling ourselves Aspies. Aspie comes with the connotation of being higher-functioning and is generally without stigma, or at least has enough cachet elsewhere to balance it out. Being lumped in with low-functioning autistics does us no favours.
Some Aspies think they are superior or a leap in genetic evolution lol.
Would you classify yourself as an Aspie supremacist ?