People suck, I truly have no friends

My so called best friend acts like she’s there for me but doesn’t understand about my illness she thinks I’m acting like a baby and that I need to move on and grow up. She knows I haven’t been doing good all week and doesn’t bother to even check up on me because she believes that what I have isn’t a big deal.


I’m sorry. I know you are grown up on the inside uwu


Thank @anon1571434 i’m just very irritated

I understand. That is very irritating.

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Normies suck, but here everyone is truly your friend. :slight_smile:


I dont think people in general dont understand MI.

Most people still think Sz is multiple personality disorder.

Others beleive depressed people are making it up. while some think a person is not depressed unless crying all day long.

I have found if i want to talk about anything to do with MI, this is the only place I have.


It’s really difficult because I have my aunt as my payee for my social security benefits. And she is always telling me to get a job. And she doesn’t know this but I always have a bad time working because I am afraid of people saying things that I do not know. Nobody saw how it was when I was paranoid and scared stiff because to them I was being my regular quiet self. They think that it is regular stuff that people go through every day. But I remember a time clearly when working was not this hard. It was hard. But it was not debilitatingly hard. So it’s not as if I am making this stuff up because I don’t want to work or am lazy. It’s actual legitimate mental issues I have that will probably always be there.


Oh man I’m sorry my best friend does the same thing she’s never there when I need her. I’m sorry your friend is being a dick.


Yeah, I’ve been called “lazy”. What others are observing that they think is laziness is really a much different phenomenon.


That’s another thing that i’m going through nobody understand that i’m not being lazy its just that work is hard because i’m always so paranoid


Yeah, it’s also hard to communicate it because people will say “what makes you special?” “you aren’t special” or my Dad likes to put this one out “just using mental illness as an excuse”. He doesn’t say that about me though, at least not to my face, but he says it about other people we know with mental problems.


My dad says I smell…he says I’m lazy…that im retired.


Lose your shitty friend first of all. If someone doesn’t care about you they shouldn’t be in your life.

Be your own best friend. When I was at my lowest and I had nobody I did this. It helped me become more confident in myself. Buy yourself your favorite dinner, take yourself out for something that you like such as a movie or an afternoon at an art gallery.

Take care of yourself like you would a small child. Are you eating enough? How about sleep? Are you intellectually stimulated? Is there anything you can do to help yourself flourish?

Love yourself like you’d want to be loved by a best friend. Practice that friendship on yourself. Then you can set the standard for a healthy good friendship and also become a better friend in that process.


Wow I’ve never thought of it that way thanks @valiumprincess that’s good advice


This really strikes a chord with me. Thats exactly how it was when I was working with hallucinations and such (but frequently lost jobs).

No one understood why i would quit or get fired. It is beyond difficult to understand people’s motivations, instructions, or to even concentrate on simple task with all the strong feelings and voices going on.

It really was like I was in a different world and never in the moment with others.


My friend came with me to my psychiatrist. Now she truly understands what’s going on with me and is very helpful and patient with me.
And there are others who also think it’s not a big deal and I just have no will power and I am lazy.
F*** them! Only I know what I’ve been through! I don’t need such ignorant people in my life.


My best friend would sometimes challenge me, then I sat her down and told her exactly what I was experiencing. Thoughts, symptoms, everything… she changed. Let her read some of the posts on this site, then she would have a better understanding of that the illness consists of


My friend think the same. I just can’t get through to him. He thinks the psychiatrist is dumb and just made up stuff


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