People Not Happy with Their Meds?

I noticed something. People on Invega for 2 years, or even 10 years, are not happy with it, and want to stop it. To be on a medication that long and not be happy with it is a bit sad.

I have been on Seroquel for just over one and a half years. It is decent. The advantages: I take it in the night, and when I wake up in the morning, I feel fresh and good, and like I am not under the effect of a drug. I feel more like my natural self on this medication and can enjoy things.

I’ve been on invega for almost 4 years and I’m handling it alright, save for some breast pains that go away when I take Vitamin E (which reduces prolactin levels over 60%, according to a study.)


I’ve been on Vraylar for 2 years. Only med that stabilizes my mood. I’ve tried like 10 APs more or less.

I am on Invega for 7 years. I don’t want to quit it but lower my dose.

I’ve been on Risperdal for eight years and am happy with it.

I miss my hypnagogic seroquel hallucinations… they were so vivid.

Everything works differently for different people, invega was my worst drug followed closely by Latuda. Both gave me side effects that were worse than schizophrenia. Zyprexa seems fine for now.

Also I can eat on seroquel, any other AP and I still have the heartburn and gross-out by certain foods. I had to stop it because it wasn’t blocking the negative hallucinations very well.

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I’ve been on Invega for almost two years. It’s the best working med yet, and I wouldn’t change it.

My doctor told me it has been raising my levels of prolactin, and it made me super upset as I don’t want to have to come off it.
Last time we attempted a med change (abilify to invega) I wound up in the hospital for three weeks.

I’ve tried a few different anti-depressants and anti-psychotics. I’ve been on Paroxetine, Sertraline, Desvenlafaxine, Duloxetine, Lithium, Quetiapine, Aripiprazole and Olanzapine.

I finally have the right combination for me: Venlafaxine, Ziprasidone and Clozapine. I’ve been happy ever since.

I’ve been on Invega for more years than I can count

I’m happy with my meds combo right now

and my pdoc doesn’t want to change anything.

I’m happy with abilify since lowering it to 10 mg. At 15 or 20 there were some unwanted side affects and I just feel so much better on 10 mg I can’t complain.

When I first started abilify at 10 mg had no complaints but after years on it realized when I raised it up to 15-20. It had some unusual side affects.

No after 9 years of tryouts, I have yet to find the right med that works. Majority of the antipsychotics gave me unwanted side effects which my body couldnt tolerate. Now i’m going back to an increased dose of abilify 10mg to see if it works. Hope it doesnt disappoint again.

To clarify, I take all of the Seroquel in the night. When I wake up in the morning I feel fresh and good. I feel more like my natural self on this medication and can enjoy things. I do not take any medication in the morning or daytime.