People around me are succumbing to conspiracy theories. Collective psychosis?

I won’t go into the specifics of these conspiracy theories, just the fact that growing numbers of reasonably intelligent and educated people are falling prey to what I’d call cognitive populism, a style of thinking partly ushered in by the advent of the digital age. On occasion my ‘sanity’ in regards to the affairs of the shared world has been dismissed as a product of my sz diagnosis. Are normies going (non-clinically) crazy around you?

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I know of someone who spoke to me about certain disease being a hoax,


'People at the top 'being evil

I don’t really like their conviction in these beliefs

When I say that to them,

They are like, it’s a fact, it’s been proven.

It is not something I can tolerate too much talk about especially as they ‘joked’ that I am gullible to 'believe in what the majority think. ’

I told them, look idk for sure what is true regarding 'people at the top, ’

But since I do not know, I’m not going to dwell on it, what is the point…


Same can be said in the other direction. People are just waking up and corruption is being exposed. I always thought simulation theory was part of the plan.


I can relate to that, I get accused of upholding the establishment etc, which isn’t even true, conspiracy theories are just the poor man’s political theory.

I’m pretty sure Alex Jones is richer than you and I.

Part of me holds unusual beliefs (which in my case don’t include conspiracy theories) but my old rational self absolutely loathes this emerging woke wisdom. But I don’t want to get political and I hope I’m not being too offensive.


I guess I meant poor in spirit, which he is. :slight_smile:

There does seem to be a growing herd mentality that’s turning away from real science, but in their minds they think they’re embracing “real science.”

It’s honestly pretty disturbing.

How do you educate the herd that they’re only thinking what George Orwell labeled double speak.


I’ve met plenty of faux scientists online. You could almost hear them cry: “we are all scientists now”.


I love Hillary and her suits:



Haha! What a time to be alive.


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Oh I bet you do!

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This website swings hard liberal so I wouldn’t expect an honest intelligent answer here anymore. It’s like one brainwashed group bashing another brainwashed group.

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typo typo typo


people cling to conspiracies when the world is turned upside down. covid might be a thing that brings people to consipiracys more?



This is going to get locked if we continue with the politics. I don’t necessarily share your political beliefs but I respect them and I respect you. Can we leave it at that?


People are spending more time watching YouTube videos, that’s for sure.


A couple really good films that relate to this chat are the sixties film Blow Up, and Brian DePalma’s Blow Out.

They’re both about how humans perceive tragic events and perception.


I love Blow Up!

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Yeah! Great film! Kind of get slices of sixties mod culture, photography, and art, all rolled up into a neat film.

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