Patiently waiting for pay day...I swear I've learned this time

I studied my bank account and I spent almost $120 on weed last month at the dispensary…I am now putting a four time visit limit with $25 dollars each visit…each week…so that’s keeping my budget at $100…other than that…I didn’t spend a lot…I am purchasing a painting from my niece in installments too right now…plus getting the lawn mowed is an added expense I won’t have soon…sorry…had to vent.

It’s hard when your on a fixed income. I used to be good with money before dx but these days I’m not the best at budgeting. Save what you can for a rainy day is my new motto and I’ve started stacking away a little for a rainy day…or until the car needs money.

Hang in there. I know it’s tough but payday is always good.

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I’m hoping for a secondary stimulus check or to at least inherit my grandmas truck …
I’m thankful I have my money situation in order I just need better transportation

I am also waiting anxiously for my first pay day…i haven’t had money in so long having to go months without working due to school…i will be so happy to have an income again. But I don’t get paid for another 2 weeks basically.

6 days till payday and I have $70 left

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