Past recovery

I used to be a high level manager at a University on a six figure salary. Now I’m being forced to contemplate becoming a cleaner or some other menial work because I don’t have capacity to do anything else.

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To me you are doing better than you think. You can cook those food plates.

You know I used to be Sous chef at Marriott and serving hundreds of guests at banquets coming up with recipes and cooking in style like that isn’t easy.

Now I can’t cook for crap… I’m a bit traumatized by cooking tbh. but yeah your right I did accept it to a some level, but not defeat. Just wasn’t right for me. I guess because it drove me psychotic.

But I don’t want to lose hope. Because that’s all I look to.

I’ll be disappointed my self if I didn’t try atleast… to me really at this point is die giving up or die trying to be happy… no matter what we’re gonna die anyways.

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I definitely don’t think you should lose hope. You seem to be a lot more functional than me- you have a job and you are contemplating a big international move. That’s huge progress and you should be so proud of yourself.

I think I’m in a different category. I used to be a much better cook than I am now cooking for a huge number of guests and even cooking a whole Christmas lunch at age 11. Now I can do it, but it’s an effort. And yeah, I don’t think I’ll be able to work. I do odd jobs for my mum in the garden but that’s about the extent of my capacities. I hope to accept it and be happier with myself one day.


But life is not all about work. It’s just about what ever that makes you happy…

Perhaps we just moved on. Not lost.

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Yeah thanks… but really I do menial jobs.

I’m going back to the US because I consider it home country… go back to school and such.

Tbh I just might die.

But I rather die trying to see if I can be happy again, than die in Japan like a zombie lunatic in japan who lives with his parents who works for 9$/hr :slightly_frowning_face:

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That’s fair enough- it’s a big move and you should be proud of yourself in any case. A menial job is better than no job like me. It’s scarier for me because I have a partner and I don’t want to become some dependant waste of space while he does all the work. It makes me feel ashamed.

Perhaps if feel like your a burden to your partner, have a discussion and brainstorm on what are the long term goals for you guys as a couple, and stratify what you can do to work towards it.


But any way people who had experiences with psychosis and sz do recover. Some people become doctors and graduate masters degree. I believe we can be happy too.


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