Paranoia every day

I am paranoid ,every day, that the people controlling my brain are going to cause me to hurt myself or cause the world to hurt me (badly) physically, emotionally or both. They can also terrorize me by just telling my subconscious to be terrified. It causes me unease and anxiety every day. It never goes away. More meds causes side effects that I can’t handle.
How often do you have paranoia and what are you afraid of?

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I’m not as paranoid lately, but I fear the same things as you, sometimes.

I’m paranoid that there’s spy cam and I will be exposed and humiliated. I’m also afraid of people hurting me physically if i walk in the street alone.

I am afraid of spies, i mean it can be anyone, and i dont like them

I have different story that a team of psycatry students researching me and a spy saves my life.

I’m not afraid of much, but the paranoia is always there. For me I go on the verge of insanity trying to get to the bottom of things

Yep… That’s pretty much my life

I developed a theory " spy’s thoughts and concepts always present in the environment to control the society and as a schizophrenic our mind influence by it. But we suppose they are checking us and vice versa. Freedom of thoughts is written in constitution I believe a false statement. Only imaginations are our freedom.

I’ve been having paranoia for 25 years and have learned it has no foundation at all. Not a single thing I have feared has ever come to pass and harmed me. These are just meaningless thoughts that can be discarded. Don’t let them control you! :slight_smile:


I think my paranoia came with the fact that my father has cameras installed in my room since I was 11.
I’m sorry you have to go through this.
Some days will be better than others :two_hearts:

My gawd, thats just not right if he did that, a person needs their privacy

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I know…:slightly_frowning_face:
He has installed some outside our house and now I don’t have a safe place.
Though luckily, I can fit under my bed! I can cry in peace lmao.

I’m afraid of demons. They’re real! And I’m afraid of the government because the government works for the beast. It’s terrible. It’s a struggle just to go to the doctor to get my meds because she’s a government doctor and I really have a hard time with that.


Hey @Sunshine Are you over 18? It seems like a gross invasion of privacy to have cameras installed in your bedroom at any age, but especially if you’re an adult.

Consider requesting that the cameras be removed. If your dad is worried about your welfare (e.g., self-harming), he can just knock on your door and check on you that way.


I can’t. I have tried telling him but he refuses to leave the cameras. Even if I’m an adult, he still believes the cameras are for “protection” only. Yeah right. While he checks them constantly. But don’t worry, I have my camera turned away from my whole room so he can only see the wall.

Only a year until university and I can leave this place.


I’m so sorry you have to deal with a camera in your room. That sounds crazy to me. It looks like the fear of being spied on is very common. I try to remind myself that it is my delusion but it’s hard. I am afraid every day that as part of the brain experiment I am in, I will be hurt. I have been hospitalized just out of being overwhelmed with this paranoia. I really appreciate the days where it is at a lower level. Today isn’t too bad.

Aw I’m sorry you have to go through this too.
Things will get better. I know it, sunny! :sunny:

I get paranoid about my house burning down. It makes it difficult to leave my house. I check the house several times before I go out.

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have you considered seeing a private doctor? just to see how he or she would do?

I can’t afford it.

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