I can’t move
I have a groove in my head like a broken record
Life repeats itself
My sleep is tormented by the very demons ive become
When ur alone where is the love
Ive really felt inspired to write lately. I love writing creative stuff
I can’t move
I have a groove in my head like a broken record
Life repeats itself
My sleep is tormented by the very demons ive become
When ur alone where is the love
Ive really felt inspired to write lately. I love writing creative stuff
are you on meds?
Nice poem dude. Loving the internal rhymes, nice flow too
Nice poem love it
Yes y do u ask?
I misunderstood it was a poem…sorry.
Ur fine i should probably put poem as the title
your poem reminded me of a few of the episodes of Black Mirror. 10 years ago, I would’ve gone ape watching it. Entertaining, but disturbing… like your poem.
@KingKazuma - Great work! Keep writing!
Awesome poem I love the imagery!
And I love reading it, so keep them coming!
Good work @KingKazuma.
My ideal hell is a frozen hell.
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