Paging MrSquirrel

@shutterbug, how do you organize your time? I need help with this bad.

Like, do you use an app or something?

About 75% are entries in Google Calendar. It’s set to email me and send notifications to my Samsung phone and watch. About 25% of stuff is now done through the Echo Plus on my desk for work. “Alexa, set reminder to call Fred Johnson…” The stuff that will be done before I leave where I am happens on my Echo with increasing frequence. I also set a lot of new appointments in my calendar through it now. I can just dicate what I need while I’m still typing other stuff at work.

Professionally, I use my Outlook calendar a lot at work. We also have a broker management system I can set tasks in and I use it for those things that would be too onerous to do through Outlook. It’s more work to set a task so I use it only when Outlook won’t do. I’m careful not to put any private work data into my personal calendar or Echo so I don’t contravene legislation.


now if you could get google cook you meals …right… or do your laundry …


@shutterbug Thanks a bunch. I’ll try to wrangle Google Calendar into my routine.

@DrZen No kidding, eh.


I like cooking the meals, but I’d never come home with the right ingredients if I couldn’t dictate a shopping list to my phone! I’ll go out for celery and come back with a full cart … but no celery.

Laundry is phooey. I want disposable clothing.


When I worked in a group home my clothing was ABSOLUTELY disposable. I had a garbage can at my front door for disposing of soiled garments immediately upon returning home, and would only wear free shirts I got in volunteer gigs and $5 basketball shorts from Wal mart.

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i useto work in fiberglass running a chopper gun. got it all over. and the cost of work suits was overwhelming and i had a big can in the garage to put them after work.


But seriously…

Like mrsquirell I use google calendar. I also make lists on 3x5 note cards. They’re like $.99 for 100 of them at the drug store


I think the takeaway is use Google Calendar. But I really don’t trust Big Data with my personal deets.

I’m kind of of two worlds about this.

Sticky notes are ok too.


You doing something nefarious?

I don’t think that’s any of Google’s business. No, though.

But maybe according to them. My browsing habits are fairly conservative, and they’re biased as hell. I don’t want to go on a list or something.

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This made me lol

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I use Google calendar alllll the time and shopping lists are texted to my fiance

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Yeah, but not a portable solution.

Not yet, but I like to keep my options open.

i also use google calendar. It works great.
My follow through on the other hand, not so great.

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I have an organiser diary (hardback)

I think it’s great to keep a memory of this phase of my life it kind of helps.

Im not planning on chucking it away it goes from middle of this year to end of next year.

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Like @shutterbug, I use a form of calendar- but mine is a small coiled binder with all the dates inside.

I also put info about my medical needs as well in it.


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