Over 100 geese!

Holy crap, you should see all the geese flying over my house right now. I have counted 7 flocks, each having about 15 geese. It’s been amazing, it’s like an autumn symphony

This has just been in the last two or three minutes.


I’ve been hissed at by geese at a zoo north of me. They walk around and hiss at people.



Geese are the best if you’re living off the land, they will stand their ground if you approach, might even challenge you, then all you have to do is grab one and wring it’s neck. Good eats.


They must all be flying west for the winter


You mean South 12345

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Haha sorry it’s an office reference I know not everybody watches it haha its for the office junkies


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I love the office!! I never watched it when it was popular, but I’ve been into it for the last couple of years and truly enjoy it

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Lol same man, I used to wonder why everyone was so obsessed with it

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I know what you mean. I heard someone praise the camera work, but I just thought it was ridiculous at the time. But the whole thing works together for sure

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There’s alot of geese at the park in my town you can walk pretty close to them and feed them


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