I wish I could have the “turkey wattle” of loose skin under my chin tightened up…I had multiple chins at a higher weight and when I lost weight I got loose skin there instead! Makes me look like I’m 80 years old.
I would get narrower feet. Right now I have super wide feet and it’s almost impossible to find shoes that fit well. Let’s not even get into how ugly they all are.
goodbye gynecomastia
I would like to lose weight but that is attainable if I put effort into it. I would like to get rid of the acne. I’m 27 and still have to use acne wash. I guess I could technically take pills for the acne but I’m so sick of Meds. I’m already taking a bunch of pills everyday I’m sick of it
Or maybe a breast reduction, but I’m hoping that’ll actually be a reality one day. Goodbye 36K, hello 32C (because I’m not getting a reduction until I’m back down to at least a more normal weight).
Lose weight. Get my front teeth fixed.
You’re all incredibly uninventive. I would get functional gills, because I love being underwater, and if I didn’t have to resurface fo air, I could do so much more exploring!
Mr LED’s character in Starfinder just had an operation to get gills. Lol
Im gonna need the robot body and color changing skin…
Nerd rant warning…
also this made me think if my robot body could use the skin to produce its own solar energy color changing would be helpful as some colors absorb more light…
boom sci fi addition… thanks for the thoughts that gave me this thought .
I wish to be tall.
Super duper night vision so I can see well enough to pick up my little dog’s turdlets at night without needing a flashlight.

A collar of spikes and a horn like styracosaurus.
Eye color. With laser eye surgery
I have crooked teeth but it only bothered me once.
Teeth. But it just takes money. I don’t smile a lot because I’m conscious of my teeth but I’m a gregarious fellow. If I had some coin I’d do my teeth but I’ve lived with their inconsistencies all my life!
I’d dye my hair something really bright. But I’m too scared too.
probably more symmetry with my facial features. my eyes aren’t on the same plane and one nostril is higher than the other. I’ve read that facial symmetry is an unconscious desirable trait. unfortunately, symmetry is not like teeth or biceps, they can’t be worked on. i’ll just have to live with the flaw!
my height - I wish i were shorter, average height, but that I can’t change
my ugly crooked teeth - straighten and fix them, but I am really averse to going to dentists and they are so expensive!
otherwise I am content with my appearance
I want to be slim again, but not so slim that people worry like before, lol.
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