I like my eyes.
Don’t be shy, just speak up.
I like my nose right now, used to have nice eyes.
I really like my new haircut.
I don’t really have anything that sticks out to me that I like. My husband likes my butt and breasts so I guess that’s a good thing.
I believe your husband is correct.
Lol. Thanks 151515
I like my brain lol
What does your hair cut look like?
I used to like that i was real fit and slim, but still had some feminine curves. Now the fit and slim thing is lost a bit, though im still in the normal BMI range, but i have still got a feminine shape, i think. Perhaps more so than before. I like that.
I like that I got my weight down to normal.
I can’t deny that I have really beautiful eyes. They are almond shaped and a warm brown, with long black eyelashes. I don’t have epicanthic folds, but I have slight skin folding that could resemble the hint of it.
My former brain, I’m 6’1 on a decent day, and my well-endowedness lol. I wish I had blue or green eyes instead of brown, but I’m part Italian. I should be 25% but I got more French in me. I can tan a bit but I’m still pale like a farmers tan. I tend to dress like a schizotypal person so I wear shorts and jackets together for comfort even when it’s hot or something.
Probably my eyes.
I am a fan of my eyes. I’m also usually a fan of my hair, but Mr. Star and I are having a competition to see who can go longest without a haircut so both of us are a but of a disaster in the hair department now.
my face, my shoulders, and my butt…girls have always commented on my butt…even my mother…haha
my penis I really like my penis
I like my legs. They are so long.
I have a big build that I have built up from working out.
So even though I don’t have a 30’’ waist measurement I still look good.
I mean I don’t look like a muscle freak or anything but when I think I correctly figured out my shoulder width it was pretty good.
My legs grow easily, so focusing on upper body in the last 6 months has given me good results.
I gained in upper body and mostly kept lower body.
My calves shrunk a little but I built them back up.
Every so often I get a little non verbal attention when I go out and that’s nice, even though I can’t really act on anything.
My face is a little like young Jonathan Frakes in the chubby years.
But not handsome like that? I think guys are usually guy blind to some guys and can’t tell.