That not only you cant trust everyone, that would be naive, sometimes you cant even trust yourself, your feelings, instinct, 6th sense.
Something that helped me a great deal after my diagnosis was finding someone I COULD trust. My best friend is a Marine, and if you cant trust a Marine, you can’t trust anyone. Another one you can trust is a pet, of any kind, even a cat can help, because it gives you someone you can talk to who won’t judge you for what you say. I admit freely that I talk to my dogs as if they could talk back to me (part of my SZ is that sometimes they DO but thats half the fun. SZ doesn’t have to be all bad, its all about finding the good things in life. I know that’s easier said than done, but if it was easy it wouldnt be worth doing.
Well said. I have a few people I should trust, but I don’t. I don’t trust anyone, and it’s only recently that I realize that it’s the sz. And, as you said, what a bummer that I’ve been, am, and will be wrong in my perceptions sometimes (often) and that I have to monitor myself. Paranoia and lack of trust are the worst parts for me because they just make me a jerk.
The fact that you have to build a new prospect for the same person every other day.
having it
take care
I can trust my partner, when I first got out of the hospital I got scared because I heard a snake under the couch and I wouldn’t come off the couch. It took a lot of convincing but eventually she got me off the couch.
@Dremulf talking to a person you trust helps. A lot. I trust the most my gf, i tell her everything and of course even my symptoms. Then i trust my family. So i have a few people. Sometimes all i need is that a person who i trust convince me that it is all in my head. Not real. After they do that (most of the time she) and it is not hard to do because i dont actually believe this thoughts 100% anyway i know this thoughts smells fishy (me having this feelings, doubts, suspisions, questions,…) that very moment that a person confirms what i was thinking about anyway, that its all in my head, this feelings go away instantly. Im cured in a second. All i need is that someone put me on my rails again and im good.
If i keep it to myself this could last from few minutes to few days, weeks even.
that’s awesome, I still remember how my then girlfriend responded to my diagnosis, she dumped me saying she couldn’t be with a ‘psycho’. that made it hard to trust after that, but then I met my best buddy, I fostered a dog and when Tate came to se the dog before adopting he knew right away something wasn’t right with me. He not only adopted the dog, he kinda adopted me too. We meet once a week, when he isn’t deployed, and we talk about our issues, him about his PTSD and me about my SZ. Then we get our partners and go on a double date, though people give us odd looks, since he’s in his forties, and his wife is my age (shes actually a few years younger than me) and me and my girlfriend are both rather odd people anyway. you know because I’m some fat, ugly, paranoid Mofo, and shes small and cute and looks like an artists rendition of Faerie with no wings…
I would say the depression after a psychotic episode.
Maybe that i am patient for life. When i see families or people in the street knowing i am different and not one of them instead being some mindfreak depending on them. Living on their mercy. The feeling of not belonging. An outcast, alienated.
Lack of motivation
@Dremulf dont worry, she don´t deserve you. You dont look like a psycho to me, you look kind. Nothing better than a psycho calling you psycho eh
Im glad you found a friend, it is good to have a friend like that.
I also was a bit depressed after an episode and i had lack of motivation on higher doses. Its alright now. I was symptom free mostly on this dose for months. But for the last month i had this problem. This is my second such episode. I know what triggered it. I hope ill be back to normal soon without having this kind of episodes.
The unpredictability of when the symptoms will arise.
My mom knows when I’m becoming symptomatic because I don’t trust her when normally she is the person I trust the most. She sees it in my eyes. For years the worst part of the sz was the positive symptoms and the fear they invoked. Now after years of battling the demons I have been symptom free for over 6 months. For me the worst part of sz is now the lack of motivation. It’s a struggle to do simple chores. Yet oddly enough with school and work I am extremely motivated. I guess that’s a good thing that it has never affected my work, but it frustrates my mom when I don’t do the dishes even when that’s the only thing she asks of me. Oddly though one thing that does give me motivation is smoking cannabis. I know a lot, if not all of you, have a horrible reaction to weed but for me this has never been the case. I think my brain chemistry is different than most people because when I smoke I lose my appetite and gain motivation. Unfortunately I had to stop smoking because I’m looking for a job. I really wish it wasn’t an issue for employers. It helps my back pain better than the narcotics which is kind of crazy that an employer would rather me be on narcotics than something natural. Anyways I’m getting off topic. I hope everyone is having a great day!
When the paranoia and voices convince you not to trust the people you usually trust the most.