Constantly suspicious and paranoid of others

Anyone else constantly suspicious of other people?

Not only strangers but with family members and friends as well.

I can never let my guard down, ever.

There’s always this underlying feeling of uneasiness within me.

I trust no one really.



By the way, what is your motive with this topic? Are you out to get me?


Sorry, couldn’t resist a bit of humor. :slightly_smiling_face:

I don’t know. I trust some and dont trust others. Some things are important enough that they require a high degree of trust in others. Trust has levels.

I might trust my neighbor to get my mail while I was on vacation, but might not trust enough to hold my life savings, for example.

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Maybe you need a med adjustment? I only say that because the right meds are what got rid of my suspiciousness. I used to think everyone was out to get me, laughing behind my back about me, and thinking that Hubby was unfaithful.

But once I found the right med combo, I rarely think of such things, anymore. And I completely trust Hubby now, no paranoia about him. I should’ve always trusted him completely, but my brain was not healthy. Now everything is good!


@Blossom makes a good point. I had irrational suspicion about others as well before I was on meds. I specifically remember trusting no one in psychosis. Are you under any more stress than usual? A lot of sz have paranoia come out when stressed. Has this always been the case or is it a recent development?


I’ve been this way since I was a kid
It’s gotten worse since being placed on antipsychotics believe it or not.

But when I’m off meds completely my paranoia becomes unmanageable and delusional


Well, I don’t know your family or friends personally, so I don’t know who is trustworthy or not, but if you trust no one and are paranoid they are all out to get you in some way, it’s more than likely a symptom of your disorder. I really don’t know if there is much I can say to help with this. I think the best way to judge if someone is trustworthy is by their past actions and behaviors, if this helps in any way.

Likely, the only way to fully get past this, if meds don’t clear it up, is through help from mental health professionals, if even that will work. If you have had this since a kid, it may be difficult to get past.

Sorry, that’s all I have to offer.


I completely relate to this. My doctors are in on it, my husbands friends are reporting on me, etc. I’m so sick of it

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I can’t believe that other than me and @LilyoftheValley no one is relating to chronic paranoia.
I mean it’s under control but a certain amount still lingers.

It’s actually pretty common with paranoid schizophrenia.

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Not constantly, mostly when I am very very stressed and very anxious…

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I relate to this aswell.

Avoid family etc.

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It is pretty surprising, isn’t it @Wave ?! Wow.

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Yes it is @LilyoftheValley
I’m really surprised!

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No, I can see in peoples eyes that they mean me no harm. I don’t trust everybody for sure though.

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I’m like that. I have paranoid schizophrenia though, so maybe it’s part of the package.

Also I suffer a bit from black and white thinking, so people are either completely trustworthy or completely untrustworthy.

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Yeah although I don’t have paranoid schizophrenia I’m always paranoid and suspicious of others.
I also have black and white thinking


I’m no longer paranoid medicated. When I was paranoid I didn’t even realize I was paranoid.

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im very paranoid with strangers especially

also my family and treatment team but i can at least talk with them

i tune them out once they start talking strangely and i cant comprehend what they are saying

its not them i just hear my voices over theirs

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Right now I am paranoid about my aunt and her bf. Worried they will steal my things or kill me in my sleep. Some is justafied as Aunt has stolen things for drug money and her bf stalks the house for her when shes gone. I want protection but have limited options since I have homicidal ideation still. May sleep with bat by my bed and have started locking my door when i sleep. Thought about getting a camera too. Anyways. Idk.

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The only 2 people i ever trust is my twin brother - and my depot nurse cpn.

Me and “The public” havent got along for the past 3 years, since i stopped going down to the pub every day. Im just lessening the impact of a possible “piss-take” of people that are more interested in my not very healthy bank balance.

It is why 99% of the time i hibernate in my flat. Sometimes i simply can’t be arsed with the challenging aspect of other people and me putting on a charade “acting normal”.

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