“Once an addict, always an addict” tw

This May be true. But I don’t need a 12-step program to treat my addiction, contrary to recommendation. Truth is I smoke a gram-1.5 grams of weed per week now. And that’s all I do. THANKS TO MY MEDICATION. I take anti-addiction med as some of you know. Naltrexone has saved my life from a compulsion to abuse lsd, and shrooms mostly. As well as my past history of alcoholism. Have had very few beers in the last 4 1/2 years and not a drop of alcohol in 7 months.

As far as ketamine goes. I used to self medicate with it but it’s not very addictive. And since starting lamictal I don’t need it

If medication can treat, maybe cure addiction. What does it say about the inherent qualities of addiction???

I’m not sure it just means that it’s the future of addiction already compared upon 1950 AA principals. We have a long way to go treating addiction but current measures work for me personally.

In a more ideal society no one would be an addict, but also substances wouldn’t be so stigmatized.

Seems like the addicts and the non addicts are constantly arguing which way is better. Obviously addiction is never good. But the truth lies somewhere in between. Next to Nobody is probably “right” about their approaches to drugs. I have seen both sides and know almost all drugs could have massive benefits for an individual. Although addiction is almost always a miserable shame. Or else you’re probably not truly addicted.

Being hooked to alcohol, LSD and shrooms was painful. (Just cuz you didn’t get addicted to hallucinogens doesn’t mean it can’t happen, I know firsthand I was HOOKED)

The pain-Probably up there with the stigma that they give in terms of pain….

I hate living in a society ignorant on drugs. Doesn’t matter if I do them or not.

This polarizing view on drugs creates more addicts, more problems, etc. makes my life more difficult. As well as millions of others. Oh well it’s not changing any time soon. So get used to it Jonny. !!!


Yeas I agree about the polarising stigmatising badness of the war on drugs. I think we should all follow Portugal’s example, though I admit to not knowing much about the outcome of that fairly recent experiment.

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I wonder how Oregon is doing. They really revolutionized it out west.

It sounds like something that would become more effective with time too. After the honeymoon phase of a few people saying WOOO DRUGS ARE LEGAL, wears off. And most sensible approaches emerges.

That’s my theory at least

Please stay away from self medicating with Ketamine.
That is playing with fire

You tell me not to press the red button which I’m not even tempted to press. Bad approach @Wave just saying. I know how it works. And It’s not playing with fire for me. But if you say so i might just think about rebelling against your ignorance.

Well I won’t but it just proves how you don’t know how to handle situations like these and should stay away from posts of those in recovery of drugs. Just My opinion :wink:

I think addiction is different for everyone. People are unique . So it makes sense that different treatments are better for different people

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Tell me about your experience with ketamine. Enlighten me on this please

Lots of young people use Ketamine where I live in the UK.
As with all drugs and medications, there is a line between helpful and harmful.


I think it’s main advantage for me Is it increases cognition and gets rid of ptsd as well as mood effects. But now I’m at a place I don’t need it. However ketamine in its natural form never let me down once.

Ok. This started out fine as recovery oriented thread. Lets try not to turn into a thread on illegal recreational use of ketamine.

“Recreational” drug use is like the Lochness monster imo. Most people are medicating.

Some people aren’t aware they have clinics. And then when they figure it out. Those clinics only accept liars and people who have never used the drug before. I’m not a liar. Got rejected because I said I had used ketamine before.

I would have loved to go to a clinic. It would have saved my freaking life last winter. Now I got lamictal but I could’ve gone back and lied to a different clinic. But that’s against what I do.

Once an addict always an addict

Idk man. Time will tell.

I might always get urges for my addiction

But I will try to die out the addiction neuronal pathways.

Because where there’s a will, there’s a way

I presume

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It’s what they say in anonymous programs. Yeah time definitely will tell the story. Well good luck to you and whatever you’re currently struggling with.

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Thankyou! Johnnybegood, :wolf:

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No H in Jonny :rage:

Lol Is all good!!

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Haha and there was me trying to get the spelling right.

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Whether you are using it to get high or to self medicate, it’s still illegal without obtaining it from a doctor. We aren’t going to be encouraging people to self medicate on it either.


I’ll let it go @Jonnybegood
I wish you well, always

I have heavily smoked weed in the past. I was self medicating once I got on the right medication I havnt touched it since.

Before I was pregnant I was drinking a bottle of wine a night. I’ve stopped that now but it’s hard going. I just think of qwertle. He needs me.

This being said it’s obvious I have the personality of an addict.

I began taking opium because of my chronic depression, no meds worked, ECT, therapy, nothing else but opioids work.

I took it for 8 years without any problem, then suddenly i got addicted and now im in rehab treated with “legal opioids” (subonex). Im not sure i want to continue the drug, the side effects are terrible

I have seen bot the positive and negative side of drugs, and you are quite right, the polarizing view of drugs is no good for anyone.

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