Do you use drugs?

Do any of you use cannabis to quiet down or is it mostly alcohol. I had these experiences of spirituality or whatever when I smoked and drank at the same time. It usually doesnt do that however. Are any of you using drugs?

I consider myself an addict/alcoholic.

I’ve barely gone 6 months without doing one of the following drugs since I was 19.

And I smoke pot every night after work.

However I’m an alcoholic, I quit alcohol mostly 2 + years ago.

Ps this is gonna get closed but it was fun while it lasted. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I can’t smoke pot, I’ll get really freaky paranoid.

I drink beer though.

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Does caffeine count?


absoluttely!! I only use camomille, that actually does calm people down I believe.

So ok here’s the thing, they don’t want us discussing drugs unless the conversation is recovery oriented

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I’m not going to lecture you because you probably get enough of that as it is. Being an addict is really tough. I respect that you can express that you are one. I may disagree with how you deal with life but I think you are a really nice person. I want you to take care of yourself. :two_hearts:

Its because, people are constantly pressuring me to use caffeine. Same for other people when I was locked up last time. Everybody smoked and do smoke. Smoking is dangerous. the attitude in DK and Scandinavia is that drugs is the last thing you need to worry about. Also sometimes benzos are given out freely to everyone. Do you think thats allright?:thinking:

Fortunately naltrexone has helped my addiction problems greatly in general. I’ve narrowed it down to ketamine, coffee, pot and meds. However I still have the addict mind a bit…not nearly as much on this med. I do the ketamine maybe twice a year. I buy test kits to make sure it’s not cut with crap.

Thank you for saying that. I forget who you changed your name from lol but you’re real nice too!!

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And ps if I was still doing hallucinogens life would be so crappy. I don’t think any sz can use hallucinogens. Naltrexone got rid of my craving for lsd that they say 1/10 people who try it get…

I’m oolaloola. :slightly_smiling_face: like I said I don’t agree with what you are doing. I believe it is risky especially when mixed with Psych drugs. Everyone has their own problems. I have a couple things that I struggle with that are borderline addictive. So I don’t think you are less than a person at all. :two_hearts:

but Jon, you’re not an addict anymore are ya?

Phil says you can’t get addicted to pot. Alcohol is totally different
and kudos for your 2 years sober.

I know what you mean though, because once you are an addict

you remain one for life, I just meant you’re not using anymore, right?

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I used a drug called ketamine a month ago.

But I’ve quit the rest :confused:

I can honestly notice I don’t so much have the addict traits anymore as much. This med has been such a miracle in many ways. Maybe I’m not an addict. My friend says you’re a stoner!!! Not an addict. But yeah I sometimes feel my natural chemistry is towards addiction. So that’s what I am.


Phil gets real friendly and lovable after doing a puff, so I don’t mind it around me. ha.

I also don’t believe beer is the gateway to harder drugs.

That’s never happened to me.

@Mottec Discussions about drugs and alcohol are not allowed unless they’re recovery-oriented.

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