everything is running like a fine oiled machine over here…doing a painting for my mother when I get more canvas…plenty of good food in the house and money to buy more…chicken and lemon pepper rice tonight…already had jambalaya and tacos…so good…so happy…yayyyy…!!
I’m happy for you but I have to say you seem to have wildly swinging moods. One day you’re at the bottom and everything is hell and the next day you’re top of the world. It’s striking. I hope you’re ok.
yes I am constantly stressed out because of money…I just whine a lot I’m so sorry…i shouldn’t post when I’m struggling…but I’m weak when I’m broke…hopefully selling paintings (which is why I have money right now), is the ticket to more quality of life…I may have to consider reporting my income now…I want more money.
No, that’s not what I was getting at. You should post when you’re upset and when you’re happy, I just thought you seemed a bit extreme. I was just hoping you were doing ok.
oh yes I am not sz /affective…I am just sz…no mood swings…it’s just that when I don’t have extra income like a stimulus check or money from paintings I suffer because on top of bills I have a monthly $210 insulin bill for my dog rooroo…so it’s hard on just one check…
poor rooroo, that must be hard on y’all
it was at first…we ran up a $1,200 vet bill to get her insulin balanced…but we paid it off eventually…thank goodness…now it’s just the money per month to have her taken care of…I don’t mind…she is such a sweet heart…catahoula hound.
I’m sure she’s a lovebug
Savour the good times.
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