Om's madhouse 6

Something Mandelbrot might be cool but I doubt they could get the detail :stuck_out_tongue:

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I have 6. My goal is to have 9, my favourite number. Lol

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Ya. Or the golden ratio or eulerā€™s equation. I thought of getting a bar code on the back of my neck lol when o was younger to symbalize Iā€™m just a cog in the machine. Its overdone though.

Yes, I am going to tell him next time I meet him.

Pi symbol would be awesome.

Thatā€™s eulerā€™s equation

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Do you guys like Philip glass:

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I started to hear muffled voices today while stressed. Itā€™s the first time I heard voices in 11 weeks. I canā€™t help feeling that they induced sZ in me because it wasnā€™t the normal voice it was just too muffled. Am I really sz?

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Iā€™m doing fine with voices. Hearing some from people, but no longer bothers me. I just need to get energizing supplements since I feel little out of energy.


I want to be sz for the record

What do you think @Moonwalker, am I sz or have they induced sz in me because it wasnā€™t the normal voice? No clarity to it

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Did you have stress/anxiety when you didnt hear voices?

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Iā€™m happy for you @Ale I hope this is the start of a very good period for you

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No none 15151555

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I think you have sz.

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Om said that his episodes were triggered by anxiety


My eyes were trying to fix on the horizon again, thatā€™s usually my sign that Iā€™m about to hear voices. Thatā€™s crazy isnā€™t it?

Do you have clonazepam or try some chamomile tea

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