LOL, the weather site is being weird
According to this it’s 182 degrees Fahrenheit ! been doing this the past 10 minutes. At first it had the actual Celsius but then switched the number to F but kept the C there… no wonder I’m sweating ! (It’s actually 83 F)
Grey and raining today in UK
Haven’t had rain for a while
Autumn is here now I like autumn and the fall of leaves
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LOL but look on the bright side it only feels likes 87.8 oF. Also you don’t need to turn the oven on to cook dinner. Just leave out on the porch.
It is actually only in the 80s…the program has a glitch trying to report Celsius but using the Fahrenheit temperature.
Yeah, got that! Hence the oven joke. As a 83oC is a round the perfect temperature to cook a roast dinner.You’d be cooking if it was that temp.
I’m more worried about global Ebola and ISIS invasions at the moment.
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October 1, 2014, 8:34pm
Climate change is real and not just for us liberals anymore.
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the uk has had the best summer yet i dont have kids so YEY to global warming LOL
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maybe you should fry an egg or something lol
not that hot daydreamer it is the uk after all.