Just sending thoughts and love to all those on this sight. I hope you are doing well. I am thinking of changing my identity here cause I’m wanting a fun change, but don’t know what…what name change should I be. Be nice, now… I won’t change my avatar so people will still know me.
I’m sorry. Daze has a big mouth. Yeah change it if you want, but we’ll have to get used to it.
Me no change. It’s kinda static.
Ha hah…it’s okay @daze just trying to be non triggering. Anyway I would be sad if you changed. You would always be daze to me.
What about OogieBoogie
I am planning a name change as well. maybe for new year’s. noone has it yet. I got the idea from the brittish movie ‘green thumbs’.
I’m afraid if I changed to that @Lifer might think I’m taking their identity.
go ahead. im going to change my name anyways. I don’t know why im waiting, will probably just do it now. haha.
When I lose a 100 lbs I’ll change my name
You could change it to Skunkette. I need a forum companion. Haha. I don’t have any ideas but long as you keep your avatar so we all know it’s still the same sweet you.
I’ve got a good new name for you…
Goofy McFartyNuts
Wow…I don’t know if that is how I want to be remembered here…
IDK. Delores? Mary? Pam Anderson?
What about LooLa? That’s what I see when I look at your name
@Ninjastar Can you change my name to CuriousGeorge?
That sounds like a great name. Be prepared to upload some Kitty Kat pics.
Do you want a new tagline as well?
Do you smoke? Go with Smokey
Girl in a yellow hat
Yeah, but CuriousGeorge is a guy! How about CuriousGeorgette?
The cat from Curious George