This totally, completely, 100% sucks
Sending you some llama support!
I feel your pain. It’s so hard but you can do it. Hang in there. I’m so sorry!
Take half a lozenge if you really need to @Leaf.
You’re just going through withdrawals, itll pass, dont give up.
No, I’m out of lozenges and I don’t want to go buy more
Why dont you try to sleep ?
Kill some more hours from the withdrawals.
Withdrawals suck cuz u dont want to do anything, and anything that u try to do is boring.
I’m just feeling irritable
Itll pass.
At least you’re withdrawing from actual nicotine and not cigarettes themselves. That’s a huge step.
that’s true, if it was cigarettes I would be homicidal lol
Yeah lol.
You’ll feel better in a couple days, plus you’ll get to save a few bucks each week from not buying nicotine.
Sugar helped me tremendously.
Just don’t over indulge.
I had 6 cookies
Better than a lozenge.
I made myself a cup of egg nog for the first 4 days to rid the morning itch for nicotine.
lol, I figure I’ll be irritable for 3 days, so tomorrow and Tuesday, then by Wednesday I should be good
I’d say you are privileged to eat some cookie or cakes during this critical three days. Better than falling back.
Hang in there @Leaf! You got this!
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