I think I will survive

I think I made it through the worst of the nicotine withdrawal. I had to go pick up meds at the drugstore and bought candy instead of nicotine lozenges. Now I have a tummy ache, but That will be gone in time and I will be free from the nicotine forever so it’s worth it. I feel strange though, and I can’t quite focus my eyes very well, I don’t know why. I just feel off. Dizzy. My fitness instructor used to be a smoking cessation counselor and he said dizziness is normal when you quit your nicotine replacement therapy. I’m hoping it passes tomorrow. I just remember reading it takes 3 days for it to leave your system or for you to stop craving it or something about 3 days. Sigh. Idk.


Good on you leaf, sounds like you’re through the worst of it, still sucks I’m sure, but it’ll hopefully just get easier from here on out.

Huzzah for being nicotine free!


Thanks @Ooorgle for cheering me on


Any time. us on the schizophrenic spectrum need to stick together and cheer each other on, makes it easier knowing you have peers in your corner.


You can do it @Leaf


I’m doing it day 4, I’m nicotine free. I win! Well this is the 3rd full free day, cus sunday I had a few lozenges left over still.


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