Now I'm an author

Yesterday I sent my manuscript to the printer. The book should be out in a month or two. I’m sorry for not being here much…I’ve been pretty busy with the last stages of writing my book. I don’t know how much it will cost yet. It will be available in paper back or as an ebook and available at all the major booksellers. I’m considering giving a discount to people from this site…but you would have to get the book from me… not at Amazon. I will fill you in more as the time approaches.


Well congrats!! Will you say what it’s basically about?

wow loca! what’s it about? xxx

I like to think of myself as a writer, though I don’t have any books in print. (I have been published - after a fashion.) I would like to read your book when it becomes available. Let us know when it is out.

The book is my story…deals with my life with SZ both before and after treatment. l’ve done quite a lot in my life in trying to struggle to remain working…even when I was barely surviving. Then I discuss my years as a mom and a wife…and my major psychotic break in 2006-2010. And finally my years of pain and illness with three autoimmune diseases and what it’s like to live with pain 24/7.


which publisher is it with hunni? xxx

XulonPress they informed me that the book is now ie production

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Congratulations ! That is just superb! I wondered where you’ve been? You finished the book while you were gone? So excited for you really. Are you going to do signings?

Congratulations on getting published. Wow. this is great news.

Did you have an agent or did you shop you’re book around independently?

yes, my book has taken most of my attention lately as have my health problems. I would like to do signings but there are two obstacles. It’s expensive to set up the table…you need all kinds of printed material etc and you have to have a bunch of books purchased (by me and then when I sell them, I keep all the money…The press gets 17%.
The other problem is getting there (I no longer can drive) and being able to sit for more than 15 minutes …and actually my limit for sitting in a folding chair is more like 5 minutes.

hi Surprised.
Well I did have an offer from a regular press . actually two of them. The first one wanted to make some ridiculous changes to my book so I let him go. And the other offer came after I’d already started working with the press I chose. And they wanted to make some changes and they wanted me to sell my creative rights which I wasn’t ready to do.
So yeah, I’m a selfie. The press had editors review my book and they gave it outstanding reviews. I feel really good about the book. The only problems are money and health. I cannot travel and attend book conferences and fairs and signings. I think I’m going to have to mostly rely on internet sales to people on forums etc.


wow, I only get like 1/8 of the royaltie. I am so excited for you and hope you get to be a huge success.

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Thank you Mick…My percentage of royalties does go down a bit if I sell through Amazon and Barnes and Noble (which I will do but am going to try to do as much myself as possible…so that I get more of the royalties

Congratulations; that’s quite an accomplishment. You deserve some success after all the physical and mental pain you’ve endured for so long.


I just want to update. I had a book signing before Christmas and it went very well.Thirty guests attended and I sold some books The librarian said that we had more people there than any other adult program. And she invited me back for another signing in May…which is the month for mental awareness. And also,I sent my book to Bill MacPhee, editor of SZ Magazine. He read it and said that he couldn’t put it down. H is going to feature it in his next video blog. All in all my book has been very well received. So exciting!


This is exciting. Very cool. So glad that all that hard work paid off.

Huge congratulations goes out…

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