Now I need a new coffee machine

I was looking forward to enjoying brewed coffee in my old coffee machine.
I decided to switch to brewed coffee since finding out how unhealthy instant coffee can be.

I cleaned out the machine yesterday but today I decided to take a closer look inside my machine and I was disgusted.

I think there is mold growing inside the coffee machine.

There are these large white blotches on the sides and there is this awful odor coming from the inside of the machine.

It hasn’t been used in months.

Decided to order a new machine online.

Oh well.


I think you are doing the right thing by ordering a new Coffee machine. I heard Mold can damage your liver.


Yes @green5 thanks.
I am not going to use my old coffee machine.
I ordered a new coffee machine that should be arriving tomorrow.
I can’t wait!


I found a used espresso maker at the Sally Ann store for $15 in this condition, plus the power button was gronked. Some disassembly, scrubbing, and descaling plus a $4 replacement button and my daughter now has her own espresso maker for university this fall:

$19 is a good deal, eh? Works like a hot damn.


yea i think it’s best to buy a new one… that sounds yucky with the mold in it…

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At least I think its mold, there are large white spots on the inside sides of the machine.
Could also be calcium deposits?

Either way I won’t be using it anymore.

There’s a bad odor emanating from it.

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yea it’s best to get a new one… they not that expensive anyways huh… at least you are sure you have clean one then.

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That’s just calcium. Descaling takes care of it. A few flushes of water/vinegar as well and it would have been good to go. Sorry, mate.

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I ordered a compact coffee machine on Amazon.
It was a decent price.

Cost me $17 bucks.

It’s basically just for me.

It can make up to 5 cups at a time.



that’s nice, we have something like that for 10 cups i think… we make a pot and then put it in a thermos

$17 is good price =)

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Yeah I refuse to spend hundreds or thousands on a coffee machine.

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yea don’t need to spend so much on coffee maker huh… just a simple one is good enough.

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I have a new keurig. The old pot was nice, but it didn’t heat coffee well. The new one does pots or single cups. And it is HOT.


You can clean that out with white vinegar and a lot of rinsing after

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Yeah I know I probably can but it’s an old machine.
I wanted something newer @LilyoftheValley

I didn’t spend a fortune.

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I hope you enjoy you’re new one :slight_smile:

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Nothing wrong with that!

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Thanks @LilyoftheValley and @shutterbug!

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My brother got a new Nespresso Vertuo 2 days ago. Its too fancy and capsules are expensive. They are rated from 1 to 11 according to strength, esperesso ones being strongest, 7-11.

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