Not sure if I'm doing this right

But it’s helping me feel so much better cos I’m not so focused on rubbish stuff


That’s really cool! It’s good to have something to do to distract yourself. It’s also a practical thing, too. What are you making?

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Those are thick knitting pins! What are they, a 5 or a 6, maybe?
Anywways, it looks good. I find knitting is a relaxing hobby once you get the hang of it :slight_smile:


I have no idea I juSr like to make the pattern. Possible it will end up as a scarf :slight_smile:

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It’s a 12 mm needles :flushed:

wow, those must be huge then :open_mouth:

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I figured it’s easier to start with those :flushed:


Looks good! I crochet and can only knit a little. I am jealous of good knitters. I feel like it makes things look better than crochet.

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Can someone please tell me how to do this? I would love to learn!! Either that, or crocheting. I have yarn already.

Okay, I’m looking it up on Youtube. There are bound to be step-by-step instructions there.

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Youtube is a great place to learn.

Good luck !

Ooooh! Thank you, @anon80629714!

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It’s nice to have a hobby @anon80629714!
Good for you! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Can you knit me a new carburetor? The one on my car now is acting up.



yay! Mind! 151515

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Looks great! Nice and even :slight_smile:

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