Sooooo exciting yay


your thread title mocks me, methinketh.

lol lol just kidding.

knitting can be cool. add music. bring over knitting friends.
make a group knitting


Looks nice…


Ribbing, good job!

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Bloody hell I broke it

A pot holder?..

It’s not easy knitting. One wrong move and the whole things ruined

Not been feeling great lately In the head … so thought this will help divert my mind

Yeah, its a great hobby. And its practical.

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yayyyy. I am so glad you have a hobby in knitting !! looks good.

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Lovely for you to know how to do.

I knit too but I only know basic stitch back n forth.

I was in tears learning basic stitch n so proud remember it.

Can you follow patterns?

I can’t but made best by making two rectangles n sewing together.


This thread was started with a thread


I got a pattern book
But I tend to forget and have to rip apart the whole thing to start again

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Can you go back and ‘repair’ the broken end?

A looooong time ago my sister in law taught me to knit a small blanket.
It went well, so I thought I’d be smart and make another one 4x the size of the first one.
Started out good, but then I’d forgotten how to purl, and the blankie turned into a knit-only…must have weighed over 3lbs when finished.

Still have it, unless the moths have been feasting on it.


I have not learned to fix it plus I would need to know where it went wrong for me to do that. I.just noticed there were less casted on than I had stArted with and that was it :worried: - I’d reAlly love to see what you made @Csummers :smiley::smiley::smiley:

Keep in mind these were made back in…er, 1993. The brown one was the 1st one made.
Had to dig them outta the chest, hmmmm, they look kinda ugly these days…funky colors.
but you asked.


That’s wonderful that you know how to knit @anon80629714! I don’t know how to sew or knit or anything like that. I admire you.

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@Csummers beautiful work and to think after all these years still going strong :slight_smile:

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Thanks so much @47average YouTube is my best friend I used that to brush up. My grandma thought me a little growing up

ishu nice work…!!!